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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное

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«Кузбасский государственный технический университет»

Кафедра иностранных языков

И. В. Батенко, Н. А. Устинова

Tunneling, Shaft Sinking and Drifting

(Прокладывание тоннелей. Проходка вертикальных

и горизонтальных выработок)

Рекомендовано в качестве учебных методических указаний по самостоятельной работе для студентов II курса

учебно-методической комиссией специальности 130406

«Шахтное и подземное строительство»

Кемерово 2011

Чадина Л. К. – ст. преп. кафедры иностранных языков

Першин В. В. – председатель УМК специальности 130406 «Шахтное и подземное строительство»

Батенко Ирина Владимировна, Устинова Нина Андреевна. “Tunneling, Shaft Sinking and Drifting” (Прокладывание тоннелей. Проходка вертикальных и горизонтальных выработок.): методические указания [Электронный ресурс]: для студентов всех специальностей очной формы обучения / И. В. Батенко, Н. А. Устинова. – Электрон. дан. – Кемерово : ГУ КузГТУ, 2011. – 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM) ; зв. ; цв. ; 12 см. – Систем. требования : Pentium IV ; ОЗУ 8 Мб ; Windows 2003 ; (CD-ROM-дисковод) ; мышь. – Загл. с экрана.

Цель методических указаний – дальнейшее развитие умений и навыков устной речи по специальности на основе текстовой, графической и видео информации. Также решаются задачи совершенствования навыков разных видов чтения, перевода, аннотирования и реферирования.

Все задания ориентированы на то, чтобы зрело читать научно-технические тексты, самостоятельно вести поиск нужной информации, обобщать полученную информацию и углублять общекультурные компетенции.


 Батенко И. В.

 Устинова Н. А.


Методические указания “Tunneling. Shaft Sinking and Drifting”. (Прокладывание тоннелей. Проходка вертикальных и горизонтальных выработок.) предназначены для студентов II курса ФНПС, специальность 130406 “Шахтное и подземное строительство”.

Цель методических указаний – дальнейшее развитие умений и навыков устной речи по специальности на основе текстовой, графической и видео информации. Также решаются задачи совершенствования навыков разных видов чтения, перевода, аннотирования и реферирования.

Все задания ориентированы на то, чтобы зрело читать научно-технические тексты, самостоятельно вести поиск нужной информации, обобщать полученную информацию и углублять общекультурные компетенции.

МУ состоят из 2 частей (Part I, Part II). Часть I состоит из 3 разделов (Units) и посвящена проходке вертикальных и горизонтальных выработок. Часть II состоит из 4 разделов (Units) и содержит материал о строительстве тоннелей. Лексический состав методических указаний соответствует современному состоянию английского языка научно-технического стиля.

Методические указания могут быть использованы как для самостоятельной работы, так и для работы в аудитории.

Part I: Shaft Sinking and Drifting

Unit 1.

1.1. Remember the following words.









копать, добывать



штрек, горизонтальная выработка



проходить (горизонтальную выработку)



теплота; v нагревать, обогревать



шахта, рудник; v добывать, разрабатывать



шахтер, горняк; угольный комбайн



горное дело, горная специальность; ведение горных работ; open cut (open pit, placer, surface) mining открытая разработка; underground mining подземная разработка; a горный, горнорудный






шахта, карьер, шурф






горная порода



ствол (шахты); inclined shaft наклонный ствол



мелкий, поверхностный; ant deep



проходить (шахтный ствол, вертикальную выработку)



pl от stratum пласты породы, свита (пластов)



снабжать, обеспечивать; syn. provide



ров, канава; v рыть, копать



ценность, стоимость, важность; v ценить, оценивать

1.2. Read and translate without a dictionary.

military escort, granite obelisk, high officials, primitive mining, recorded civilization; organization of expeditions; mining engineering

1.3. Read and translate the words and their derivatives.

mine – miner – mining; engineer – engineering; labour – labourer – labouring; prospect – prospector – prospecting; sink – sinker – sinking; trench – trenching; value – valuable; drive – driver – driving

1.4. Find synonyms among the following words.

tool, operation, provide, instrument, supply, working, price, record, write, value

1.5. Read and choose the proper title to the text given below.

1. Mining in Egypt

2. First Mining Equipment

3. Beginning of Mining

1. The beginning of mining lies back in prehistoric times. Gold was washed from gravels, copper was mined and reduced from its ores, and bitumens were used before recorded civilization. Flint (кремень) implements have been found with the bones of Paleolithic man, who lived some 450,000 years ago. The first primitive mining was trenching or open-cut work. Later, man advanced to underground mining by sinking round pits up to 50 ft. in depth and driving drifts out into flint bearing strata from the bottom of these shallow shafts. The tools used were picks and hammers (молоток) and wedges (клин) made of the horns (рога) of the red deer (олень), as well as hammers and wedges of flint.

2. The earliest mining on record seems to have been done by the Egyptians in the turquoise (бирюза) mines of the Sinai Peninsular, where sandstone cliffs are inscribed with a pictorial representation of these expeditions. The expeditions were well organized and were composed of high officials, a few engineers and prospectors, and many labourers, totaling in some cases two or three thousand men. In addition, they were provided with a military escort. Food was carried on the backs of hundreds of donkeys (осел), and the expeditions were self-supporting.

3. Silver is mentioned in an inscription on a granite obelisk discovered at Susa, the capital city of Elam, which was captured by the Babylonians about 3500 B.C. The inscription is thought to have been written 4500 B.C., and the record proves that silver was used as a standard of money. In Egypt during the 18th Dynasty, 1650 to 1400 B.C., silver was valued more highly than gold.

4. Gold in ancient times came largely from Nubia, in southern Sudan, Africa. Placer operations covered large areas. Over 100 square miles were worked to an average depth of 7 ft. Shallow shafts were sunk, and the gravel was washed in flat wooden dishes. It is probable that placer mining was begun in this region some 4000 years ago. Later placer mining gave way to vein mining. Tunnels were driven into the hillsides, and later inclined shafts were sunk to a depth of 160 ft. The principal tool was a stone hammer, and the rock was loosened by building a fire against it and then throwing water on the heated rock. By supplying the material for commerce, for tools, for implements of war, and for jewelry and other ornaments, the products of the mines were prime factors in advancing the civilization of the ancient Egyptians. However valuable the products of the mines were to ancient kings, mining as an art could advance but slowly as long as mining was done by slaves, in many instances driven to death by cruel taskmasters.

5. The Greek historian Diodorus describes the operation of the silver mines of Iberia, now Spain, as follows: Those who worked below the ground in the digging day and night are wasted in body, and many of them die in consequence of excessive ill treatment, for release or rest from their labours is not allowed; the blows of their masters compel them to endure their dreadful misfortune until miserably they yield their lives; some, on the other hand, through strength of body and vigor of soul endure this treatment and have a long lasting misery, for death is their preference than life, because of the greatness of their wretchedness.

6. At the silver-lead mines in Greece slaves were bought for as little as $ 31.50 apiece, but one Nicias (никиец) was bought at the price of a talent for about $ 1000. Thus the value of technical knowledge in mining was recognized at this early time.

7. By the first century A.D., mining had developed into an important industry among the Romans. However, with the overthrow of the Roman Empire the industry suffered for many centuries. Miners in medieval Germany were segregated into a class by themselves. In 1185 a charter was granted to miners by which they were “given the right of tarrying, labouring and going and coming in the mountains, in the city, and wherever they might wish, freely and without hindrance”. They were given the right to a “measured plot of ground for pursuing the discovery of ore.” This was a most important event in the mining industry, for it might be said to mark the beginning of mining engineering as a profession.

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