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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Three.doc
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beckon – to make a signal to someone with your hand or arm, to show that you want them to come towards you: beckon to/forward/towards; money/happiness beckons – it is so attractive that you have to do something in order to get it.

strain – to try very hard to do something using all your physical or mental strength: strain for sth; strain your ears/eyes; strain yourself; strain a friendship/relationship (=to cause problems in a friendship); strain every nerve; strain (n): be under a strain; put a strain on sb; stresses and strains (=problems and worries).

boon – something that is very useful and makes your life a lot easier; boon companion (=very close friend).

1. Find the equivalents in the article.

To move slowly and awkwardly, to unload passengers, without stopping, very strong belief or feeling, cannot be taken away, symbolic, drawback, unhealthy food, eagerness to make people share your religious beliefs

2. Look at the title of the article in this section from the New York Times and answer these questions.

1. What sort of restrictions are referred to?

2. Who are the foreign smokers likely to be?

3. What does the idea of a last bastion suggest?

4. What is the main idea of the article?

3. Does the writer present arguments both for and against smoking restrictions or does she only present one side of the problem? What do you think the writer's attitude to these restrictions is likely to be?

4. What type of organization does the text follow?

a) there is a chronological development

b) the writer develops an argument

c) the passage describes a situation and presents various comments on it

d) the writer presents personal views and comments on them herself

5. Answer the questions.

1. Why do foreigners go to Caffe Lucca?

2. What, according to many foreigners, does the anti-tobacco militancy suggest about the American character?

3. What is one explanation given in the text for this extreme behaviour?

4. How do the Japanese differ from Americans?

6. For Discussion

  • Are you a smoker or a non-smoker? How do you feel about smoking? Write a paragraph expressing your opinions.

  • Are there smoking restrictions in our country or can people smoke anywhere?

  • What are the social conventions surrounding smoking in private homes or at work?

3.7 Group Discussion

 Are you concerned about deforestation of the rain forests? Should you be? What solutions would you propose?

 Are there any endangered species in our country that scientists are trying to save? What is being done to prevent their extinction?

 Have you ever taken up a cause that you felt would improve the world?

 What scientific evidence do you now have that helps you better understand the environmental problems?

 How can industry help solve the pollution problem?

 Do you think people have the tight to control nature, or should nature control people?

 What do you think about the future of conventional and alternative medicine?

 What innovative approaches to treating people can you think of? What do you think will be the future of “healing by wire” or via Internet?

 Have you ever heard about living wills ( a document that specifies that if something goes wrong the patients won’t be kept alive against their wishes)? Do you think they are a good idea? Why? Why not?

 We are constantly bombarded with the advice from experts on ways of staying healthy and surviving to a ripe old age. Which aspects of their advice do you think is practicable to follow?

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