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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Three.doc
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conduct – conduct a survey/experiment/inquiry –to carry out a particular process to get information; to conduct an orchestra; to conduct sb about; conduct yourself – behave in a particular way; conduct (n); conductor (n)

deploy – to organize people or things, especially soldiers, military equipment so that they are in the right place ready to be used; deployment.

enhance – improve sth; enhancement (n): much needed enhancement.

tamper – tamper with – to touch sth or make changes to it without permission, especially in order to deliberately damage it; tamper-evident/tamper-resistant – a package or a container made so that you can see if someone had opened it before; tamper-proof – made so that to prevent opening it before it is sold.

nurture – to feed and take care of a child or a plant while it is growing; to help a plan idea, feeling to develop; nurture (n) – education and care that you are given as a child, and the way it affects your later development and attitudes; nurturance – loving care and attention

prod – 1. push with a finger; 2. To strongly encourage someone to do sth: to prod sb into doing sth; prod (n): give sb a prod.

escape – to get away from some place, somebody, something: to escape sb’s clutches; to escape from/through/into; escape sb’s attention/notice; the name/date/title escapes me; there’s no escaping (the fact); escape (n):an escape of gas/liquid etc.; a lucky escape.

1. Find the words in the article which mean the same.

Energy produced by a source different from mainstream ones; a source of energy that comes from ancient plant or animal remains in the earth; a trial activity; energy produced by a source that never runs out; to arrive at the starting point again; chancy and potentially controversial; having no cost; a motive, a reason to do something; a project or plan with no hope of success; being planned or in the process of development; a deceptive act or plan; to reduce or lessen something; trying repeatedly for success; someone who looks for energy sources in untried areas.

2. Explain the meaning of the following phrases.

Wean America from; harness an energy supply; spurred by; propel the dream into reality; to have the stigma; a monument to a lost cause; to become the nursery for advanced technology; to carry the burden of past failures; to make the necessary commitment.

3. Answer the following questions.

1. How much of the energy needed in the United States can windmills provide today? How much could they provide in thirty years?

2. Why were the windmills of the early 1900s replaced?

3. What problems did the windmills of the 1980s have?

4. What features do 1990s models have to correct these problems?

4. Comment on the title of the article summarizing the information provided by the writer.

5. For Discussion

- Do you think that governments should give companies financial incentives for developing alternative energy sources? Why or why not?

- What problems do windmills have that still need to be solved?

- Do you think that windmills are worth developing in our country notable for its oil and gas resources? Why or why not?

- What are the sources of energy that are used today or that could be developed. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

3.6 E. Environmental Responsibility and Consumer Protection

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