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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Three.doc
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3. Match the words from the second part of the interview with their explanations.

free hand

legal framework


from cradle to grave

a scale

the ultimate target

from the beginning to the end of existence

a numerical measure or standard

an overall structure, or plan, or outline

the possibility to choose for themselves

concerning the amount or number

final aim

4. Listen to the second part of the interview about eco-efficiency label. And answer the questions below.

1. Which of the following sentences most accurately summarizes what Marc Keiser says?

a. Companies are unconcerned about ecological efficiency.

b. Companies are willing to make some environmental improvements, as long as the government doesn’t tell them exactly how to do it.

c. Companies are willing to make some environmental improvements proposed by the government.

d. Companies don’t want any governmental interference in their business.

2. Keiser’s third model is designed to inform consumers. What does it concern?

a. a specific production system

b. the entire existence of an individual product

c. the output of a specific production system during a certain period of time

3. Which of the following does Keiser say?

a. Companies would have to follow regulations concerning acceptable technologies.

b. Companies could choose whether they wanted to adopt the eco-label system.

c. Companies would be free to produce whatever products they like.

d. The government could still forbid the sales of products whose eco-efficiency was below a certain level.

5. Discuss the following questions.

● What do you think of the idea of an eco-efficiency label?

● Would it be right for the government to oblige companies to provide a label for all products?

● Would it be difficult to control the labels that manufacturers put on their products?

● Would such a label be sufficient to reduce pollution?

3.3 E. Vocabulary in Focus

1. Explain the meaning of the words and phrases in bold.

Threats to the environment

Shrinking habitats are a threat to both plants and animals, and endangered species need legal protection if they are to survive. Meanwhile, global warming will produce rising sea levels and climatic changes, and carbon dioxide emissions from the burning fossil fuels are contributing to the greenhouse effect. In addition, population growth exerts severe pressure on finite resources, and the ecological balance may be upset by uncontrollable deforestation. Demographic projections suggest the world population will grow before it begins to stabilize. One of the worst case scenarios is that there will be no tropical forests left by the year 2050. Our only hope is that pristine environments such as Antarctica can be protected from development and hence from damage.

2. Make the sentences more formal using the words from the previous exercise instead of the underlined ones. Make any other necessary changes to produce a correct sentence.

1. All that carbon-what’s-it-called gas put out by our cars and factories is a major problem.

2. These flowers here are a type there’s not many left of, so it’s illegal to pick them.

3. A lot of wild animals have to survive in smaller and smaller areas where they can live.

4. Most of Patagonia is a completely spotless area that‘s never been touched.

5. We have to look after the things we use on this planet because they won’t last forever.

6. If the cutting down of trees continues, there will be no forest left ten years from now.

7. Burning coal and oil and stuff like that causes a lot of pollution.

8. The sea will get higher if this heating up of the world continues.

9. Increasing population puts really big pressure on economic resources.

10. The way things all balance one another in the nature is very delicate.

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