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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Three.doc
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2. Write the word next to its definition. The sentences in the previous exercise will help you decide on the meaning of each word.

……………… To free from a tangled situation or a difficulty

……………… To make feel or seem young again

……………… A strong expression of disapproval; an act of condemning

……………… Excessive, especially in amount, cost, or price

……………… Firm, loyal; strong in support

……………… A mark of shame or disgrace; blemish on character or reputation

…………….. To show to be true; prove

……………. Expressing a low opinion; belittling

……………... A remark that is commonplace or has become uninteresting through repeated use

……………… Suggestive of death and decay; frightful

……………… A state of uncertainty or confusion

……………… Cheerfulness; high spirits

3. Using the answer line provided, complete each item below with the correct word from the box. Use each word once.

Quandary, exorbitant, stigma, macabre, rejuvenate, validate, exhilaration, derogatory, platitude , extricate, denunciation, staunch

1. Malaria is definitely the most ………… disease in many countries: at least 1 mln Africans die of it each year.

2. The youthful addiction to mobile telephones that causes ……….. of so many parents and teachers could be providing a big benefit – “mobiles” could be turning teenagers from tobacco.

3. The research in Finland has …………. the hypothesis that excessive workload resulting from downsizing doubles the death rate from heart attack and stroke.

4. A fright, anger, stress – any situation when the person finds himself in …………… – can stimulate cardiovascular disorder whereas stress reducers like yoga, meditation and group sharing low levels of stress hormones and help to relax arteries.

5. Heart-attack survivors who live with others …………….. much better than the ones who live by themselves. The latter die at twice the rate of the former.

6. Every year thousands of people join the ranks of ………… supporters of traditional medicine3, turning to meditation, herbalism, acupuncture etc.

7. Stress can be one of many obstacles to pregnancy. Studies are now confirming that not a few women were able to conceive only after they managed to ………….. themselves from distress.

8. The attacks of avian influenza are usually associated with …………… slaughter of poultry. However we should be more concerned not with the financial repercussions. Many human infections have animal precursors.

9. After several cases of infection mandatory AIDS testing of medical staff is no longer the cause of …………. comments on the part of human rights advocates.

10. Many surfers prefer turbulent water to more uniform waves. Their paramount goal is excitement, and they get a feeling of ……………….. from confronting dangerous situations.

11. Today whatever the diagnosis of the patient is every doctor starts his recommendations with the advice either to avoid or at least to reduce stress. However, we shouldn’t treat it as simple …………… as the researches have proved that many modern diseases originate from stress.

12. Unfortunately there is still a ………… attached to certain diseases.

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