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2. Match the following words from the article with their explanation.

1. lingering

2. adjunct

3. subjected to

4. liable

5. match

6. strike panic

7. resilience

8. implacable

9. ingenuity

10. strike gold

11. call a halt to

12. open-ended

a. be equal to

b. officially stop an activity

c. cleverness

d. make a lot of money or have good luck

e. added or joined to something but not part of it

f. forced into

g. determined to continue opposing smth

h. ability to restore strength

i. infinite, without end

j. make sb feel afraid

k. likely to

l. slow because of reluctance

3. What evidence is there in the article for the following statements? If there is no evidence, decide what the article really says.

● The meaning of the word 'stress' has changed over the years.

● They were unable to see fast-moving objects.

● Loud noises made them panic.

● We live longer than our ancestors because our senses are continually being stimulated.

● We are unable to interpret all the visual images our eyes absorb daily.

4. There are a number of questions or unfinished sentences below. Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d.

 Life in the past wasn't as stressful as life today because

A. people led healthier lives.

B. people died younger.

C. people's experience of life was smaller.

D. people's diet was poorer.

 Life today

A. is immoral

B. accepts the rules of nature.

C. does not accept death easily.

D. is hysterical and exhausting.

 Why are people more concerned about their physical well-being today?

A. They want to prove they can live longer than their ancestors.

B. Because they are unwilling to resign themselves to the rules of nature.

C. Because it is natural instinct.

D. Because they don't believe in heaven and hell.

 The writer believes that people today

A. live too long.

B. will continue to evolve until they meet the limits of human reactions.

C. have a dangerous lifestyle.

D. will have to achieve weightlessness.

 What is the writer's attitude to life in the past?

A. Life was easier than it is today.

B. People were happier because they were not under so much pressure.

C. Life was not as good as present nostalgia would have us believe.

D. Religion did not help people accept the future.

5. We can infer the writer's views on certain aspects of medieval and modern life by his choice or words.

Example: In the realm of noise there was thunder and brass instruments in the cathedral, but nothing to match the total lack of silence we suffer from today.

The word 'suffer' suggests that he considers that the lack of silence is unpleasant. Read the text carefully and underline other words and phrases which reveal the writer's views.

6. Which of these statements would the writer agree with?

● Psychoanalysis is a waste of money.

● Freud used psychoanalysis to cure a wide variety of psychological problems.

● Psychoanalysis is no longer used for curing mental diseases.

● There is no end to an analysis.

● Change in behavior is only produced by self-knowledge.

● Psychoanalysis is a rich person's self-indulgence.

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