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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Three.doc
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2. Find the words in the article which mean the same.

Destruction, try to solve the problem, determination, anxiety, soon, come to an agreement, referring to, modern, along with, to overcome the obstacle, agreement, widen the gap, to pioneer, in the public eye.

3. Match the words that collocate. Refer to the article if necessary.

1. tough

2. opportune

3. fossil

4. lack

5. sacrifice

6. grim

7. ozone

8. combat

9. lethal

10. toy with

11. consumer

12. global

a. inflation

b. the idea

c. determination

d. warming

e. fuel

f. of political will

g. weapon

h. demand

i. competition

j. the right

k. moment

l. layer

4. Answer the following questions.

● What plans were laid at the Kyoto conference?

● Why are Asian countries no longer committed to the idea of funding environment protection programs?

● Can Asia afford to combat global warming?

● What is the key argument of Asian reluctance to provide finance for environmental schemes?

● What are the possible ways of the solving the problem?

4. Summarize the article. Mention the history of the question, latter-day state of affairs and possible solutions.

5. For Discussion

Who is responsible for the dreadful conditions of the planet described in the article?

Do you think that all the countries should apportion the blame? Who is to pay?

What other possible solutions can you think of?

3.3 D. Watching and Listening

Measuring Eco-efficiency

You will hear an interview with Marc Keiser, a researcher who has developed a methodology and a computer program that would allow producers to measure the environmental acceptability (or “eco-efficiency”) of all manufacturing processes and all manufactured products. For the consumer it would result in all goods having an eco-efficiency label, expressed in a number between 0 and 100.

1. Match the words from the first part with their explanations.







quarterly results

a general agreement about something

anything (gases, liquids etc.) released into the environment

very short-term profits

a survey of people’s opinions, using a representative sample

throwing away or getting rid of something unwanted

something that encourages or gives a reason to do something

something unwanted and useless, such as by-products resulting from manufacturing processes

2. Read the four questions below and answer them after listening to the first part of the interview.

● The interview mentions three different ways in which companies might be obliged to reduce pollution. What are they?

● Marc Keiser says there are three pressure groups involved in environmental issues. What are they?

● Can any one of these groups bring about important changes?

● Marc Keiser mentions, in relation to the United States, three different areas of concern to himself and other environmentalists. What are they?

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