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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Three.doc
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tempt – to make someone to have or to do something, even though they know they really should not: be tempted; tempt sb into doing sth; tempt sb to do sth; tempt fate/providence – to do sth involving unnecessary risk; temptation (n): temptation to do sth; resist/overcome temptation; give in to (the) temptation; tempting (adj): it’s tempting to do sth.

tickle – to rub someone’s body gently with the fingers in order to make them laugh; be tickled pink (=be very pleased or amused); tickle sb’s fancy – to seem interesting and make you want it; tickle the ivories – play the piano; tickle (n): give sb a tickle; ticklish (adj): ticklish situation.

ripe – fully grown and ready to eat (fruit): be ripe for; the time is ripe for –it is a suitable condition for sth, especially for some kind of change; ripe old age; ripen (v).

premium – at a premium – 1. sold at a higher price than usual; 2. Unavailability of sth or difficulty to get it; premium quality – high quality; put/place a premium on – to consider one quality as being much more important than others; premium prices – higher than usual because there is not much of sth.

spiral – move in continuous curve that gets nearer to or further from its central point as it goes round; increase quickly and uncontrollably; spiral to/around; spiral (n); inflationary spiral.

palate – the sense of taste; palatable (adj): palatable wine; palatable idea –acceptable, pleasant (to).

  1. Which of the statements below express arguments for genetic engineering and which against?

1. Genetic engineering may interfere with the balance of nature.

2. The development of new breeds of animals may lead to physical suffering.

3. There are no reliable controls for this technology.

4. Genetic engineering can create a wider variety of food sources.

5. Genetic research has led to a better understanding of living organisms.

6. The consequences of this technology are unknown.

2. According to the article, genetic engineering has already been used to modify the following foods:

mushrooms tomatoes grapefruit potatoes

Look quickly through the article and find the sections which mention these vegetables. What modifications have been made to each vegetable and what are the advantages expected to be?

3. Decide where the following sentences should go in the article.

1. Western farmers have already bred cattle with more muscle than a skeleton can carry.

2. Supporters say the tomato, unappetisingly called Flavr Savr, will taste better because it will be able to mature on the branch longer.

3. Consumer opposition means that there are no genetically manipulated foods on the German market, and the Norwegian government has recently put research into genetically engineered foods on hold.

4. For example, if a corn gene is introduced into a wheat gene for pest resistance, will those who are allergic to corn then be allergic to wheat?

5. 'Mushrooms in the past were almost impossible to cross,' says

Philippe Callac, one of the three scientists working on the mushroom.

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