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refer to - иметь отношение, относиться к

require - требовать

particular - определенный

manner - способ; метод; манера

arrange - организовывать, располагать

set the table - накрывать на стол

proper - подходящий, правильный

except - кроме

entree (Fr.) - главное блюдо

similar - подобный

in rapid succession - быстро один за другим

reach - достигать

host (hostess) - хозяин (хозяйка)

partial - частичный

rest - остальной

hold (held, held) - держать

sideboard - сервант

4. Are the statements true or false? Correct the false sentences.

  1. In French service, all the food is served from the guests left.

  2. In Russian service, food is served from the platter to the guest’s plate.

  3. English service is usually used for large groups of people.

  4. In American service, the plate is brought in on a tray and served by the waiter’s left hand from the right side of the guest.

  5. In buffet service, meals are served from a large table.

  6. French service is the most expensive.

5. Complete the table for different types of service. French service is done for you.








How food served

From the platter after the guests are seated

From which side


How plates served

Right- butter, bread, salad - left

How wine served



Personal attention


Slow, expensive

6. Use the table and describe each type of service.

Table etiquette

1. Answer the questions.

  1. What is “table etiquette”?

  2. Why is it necessary to keep it?

  3. Is table etiquette the same in different countries?

  4. Why should all food services know the etiquette of dining?

2. Read the text and check if your answers were correct.

During the Middle Ages, one of the rules of etiquette was to “smack thy lips resoundingly if thou wouldst show due appreciation to thine host”. Nowadays, smacking the lips is considered impolite in many societies, and yet there are a few in which a resounding burp from the guest is the highest compliment. Knowing the customs of the land is still important.

All food serves should know the etiquette of dining. By knowing the manners and forms that are acceptable at social occasions, the server will be able to help and advise a client who is uncertain about appropriate dining behavior.

Also, servers should keep in mind that the rules of etiquette can change. The social customs that prevail today can change greatly in a single decade. Servers should keep abreast of changes so that they always have expert social skills to offer clients.

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