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11. Прочитайте и переведите текст с английского языка на русский:

Hello! My name is Paul and I work at the restaurant in the city center not

far from the cinema. We serve European cuisine. Our restaurant is not very

big, we have only 30 seats but our bar and jazz band in the evening are excellent. We are open daily in summer but in winter we don’t work on Tuesday, it’s my day off. We open at 11 a.m. and close at 11 p.m. but at weekends we work to the last guest. Our restaurant is very popular. Usually we have an a la carte menu and a table d’hote menu at lunch time. On Sundays, families like having dinner

in our restaurant, so we have also a special children’s menu. It is not very expensive.

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

  1. What’s his name?

  2. Where does he work?

  3. Where exactly is the restaurant?

  4. What cuisine do they serve?

  5. Is the restaurant big? How many seats do they have?

  6. What kind of music do they have?

  7. How do they work in summer\ winter?

  8. When is Paul’s day off?

  9. When does the restaurant open \ close?

  10. When do they have children’s menu? How much is it?

  11. Is the restaurant popular? Why?

12. Составьте диалог, используя информацию из текста упражнения 11.

13. 1) Опишите свой ресторан, используя упражнение №10 как пример.

2) Составьте вопросы к вашему тексту и ответьте на них.

Проверьте себя (Unit 1) .

Заполните пропуски словами из правой колонки:

On the 1st of September a new restaurant much

“Palace” opened (1) in the city center.............. (2) children’s

from the zoo. They serve................ (3) cuisine. The costs

restaurant is not very big, there are only 30 ........(4) opened

but the bar and a jazz band in the evening are perfect. close to

Waiters are ............ (5) and helpful and the .........(6) works

is excellent. not far

“Palace” .......... (7) daily in summer but in Italy

winter it .............(8) on Mondays. The restaurant is prices

open ...........(9) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. but at weekends service

they ........(10) to the last guest. Usually “Palace” has children

a table d’hote menu at lunch time and an a la carte is closed

..... (11) in the evening. .... (12) Sundays families friendly

like having dinner in the restaurant, so there is also a Italian

special.............. (13) menu; there are ......... (14) tasty from

desserts to choose from and the .......(15) are reasonable. car

A meal for two .........(16) about 30 $. seats

“Palace” restaurant is very popular. many

Tourists from ........ (17) and .............(18) like it very on

........ (19) because pasta there is delicious. There is a work

........... (20) park ............(21) it. menu

Unit 2. Jobs and parts of the restaurant

Прочитайте и постарайтесь запомнить:

Sections of the restaurant – отделы ресторана

Cloakroom гардероб

Toilets (ladies \ gents) туалеты (женский \ мужской)

Dining room обеденный зал

Smoking \ non- smoking section секция для курящих \ не курящих

Private dining room банкетный зал

Kitchen кухня

Meat\vegetable\ pastry section мясной \ овощной \ кондитерский цех

Dishwashing section посудомоечная

Terrace терраса\ веранда

Dance floor танцевальная площадка

Bar бар

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