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4. Заполните пропуски словами first, then, next, finally:

9 ½ Weeks

Two oz Absolut Citron, ½ oz orange Curacao, one splash strawberry liqueur, one oz orange juice, one strawberry.

….. (1) combine all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker.

….. (2) chill and strain into a cocktail glass, ….. (3) garnish with sliced strawberry.

The Fifth Element

3 oz pineapple juice, 3 oz Sprite, 1 oz Bacardi, 1 oz Southern Comfort, 1 oz vodka

……………… (4) chill a mug,

………………. (5) add ice, and pour Sprite and juice into mug. ………….. (6) add rum and Southern Comfort.

………………. (7) add the fifth element: vodka!

5. Расположите предложения инструкции для приготовления коктейля “Cuba Libre” в правильном порядке:

1. Then pour in 1 measure of light rum.

2. Next, garnish with a slice of lime.

3. Then fill the glass with cola.

4. First, fill a highball with ice.

5. Finally serve with a straw.

6. Next, add the juice of half of a lime and stir well.

6. Расположите предложения инструкции для приготовления коктейля “Margarita” в правильном порядке:

1. Shake well, mix and chill the liquids.

2. Next, pour in one measure of tequila.

3. First, take a cocktail shaker and fill it with crushed ice.

4. Finally, pour the Margarita into the glass and serve.

5. Garnish with a slice of lime.

6. Then squeeze some fresh lemon juice into the shaker.

7. Then pour in a quarter measure of triple sec.

8. Then add a dash of lime juice.

9. Then put some ice cubes into a salt-rimmed glass.

7. Расположите предложения по порядку, чтобы получился связный диалог:

a. Waiter: What about a fruit cocktail? It’s very refreshing.

b. Waiter: The special of the week is the Casablanca Mojito sir.

c. Waiter What would you like to drink?

d. Waiter: Certainly sir.

e. Waiter: It has the same ingredients sir, but it also has a bit of cream to soften the flavours.

f. Guest: Is it different from the normal Mojito?

g. Guests: I don’t know. What do you recommend?

h. Guest: Yes, I think I’ll have one of those.

i. Guest: It sounds delicious but I think I’d prefer something lighter..

8. Прочитайте и переведите диалог с английского на русский:

T = Trainee S = Server

T How do you make a Margarita?

S First, Take a cocktail shaker and fill it with crushed ice.

T I see. What next?

S Next, pour in one measure of tequila. Then pour in a quarter measure of triple sec.


S Then squeeze some fresh lemon juice into the shaker.

T Right.

S Then add a dash of lime juice. Shake well to mix and chill the liquids.


S Then put some ice cubes into a salt-rimmed glass. Finally, pour the Margarita into the glass, and serve!

T What about garnish?

S Oh, yes. Garnish with a slice of lime.

9. Переведите текст с русского на английский:

1. Давайте приготовим коктейль Daiquiri.

2. Для начала возьмем шейкер для коктейля и наполним его колотым льдом.

3. После этого, добавим три мерки светлого рома, одну мерку лимонного сока и чайную ложку сахарной пудры ( caster sugar )

4. Затем хорошо взбить в стакане для коктейля.

5. И, наконец, украсить кусочком лимона.

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