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It is Better to Give – Real Gifts

When selecting a guest gift or take-home favor, avoid items that are inexpensive or give always and look it. A favor emblazoned with a company logo, no matter how attractive or useful, still serves as an advertising specialty rather than a true gift. A perfect present is one personalized with the name of the guest or at least one that has been specially selected for that individual.

This time of year affords you the ideal opportunity to reward people who have added joy, or at least an occasional smile, to your life with a festive break from their daily pursuits. Your warm, friendly and fun gathering will be remembered and appreciated by your guests... until the next holiday.

Source: http://www.chiff.com/a/PartyHost.htm

Word List:

Host [həust] принимающая сторона, хозяин;

Нosting главенство, выполнение роли ведущего;

Bash [bæʃ] сильный удар; амер. разг. гулянка;

Blah [blɑː] разг. абсурд, вздор, чепуха;

Blowout ['bləu'aut] – амер. разг. лёгкая победа, ошеломляющий успех;

Grumbling ['grʌmblɪŋ] – ворчание, ропот;

Solicit [sə'lɪsɪt] – просить, спрашивать, ходатайствовать;

Pile [paɪl] – складывать, сваливать в кучу; собирать;

Gang [gæŋ] разг. компания;

Mingle ['mɪŋgl] смешиваться, общаться, собираться;

Donate [dəu'neɪt] дарить, жаловать, жертвовать;

Nonperishable [nɔn'perɪʃəbl] – непортящийся;

Afford [ə'fɔːd] быть в состоянии (сделать чтол.), позволить себе (чтол.);

Dwell [dwel] подробно останавливаться, задерживаться (на чёмл.);

Affair [ə'fɛə] дело, событие, мероприятие;

Teetotaler [,ti:'təut(ə)lə] – трезвенник;

Liable ['laɪəbl] – обязанный, ответственный;

Consumption [kən'sʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n] – потребление, затрата;

Emblazoned [ɪm'bleɪz(ə)nd], [em] богато, великолепно украшенный;

Pursuit [pə'sju:t] преследование, стремление, поиски;

Vocabulary practice

Exercise 1. Choose the proper words with the following definitions:

1) someone who never drinks alcohol;

a) donate

2) someone at a party, meal etc. who has invited the guests and who provides the food, drink etc.;

b) bash

3) to give something, especially money, to a person or an organization in order to help them;

c) teetotaler

4) informal an easy victory over someone in a game;

d) host

5) to have enough money to buy or pay for something;

e) liable

6) informal a party or an event to celebrate something;

f) blow-out

7) the amount of a substance that people eat, drink, smoke etc.;

g) consumption

8) legally responsible for the cost of something;

h) afford

9) 1. a complaint about something; 2. a low continuous sound;

i) grumbling

Exercise 2. Fill in the correct word(s) from the word list. Change the form if necessary.

  1. The Government wants to reduce tobacco ________ by 40%.

  2. If he had found a job, he wouldn’t be searching people who are________ for income tax at a higher rate now.

  3. Have you already visited the ________ city for the next Olympic Games?

  4. I want to find a roommate, because I can’t ________ the rent on my own.

  5. Last year he ________ $1,000 to cancer research.

  6. She had a lot of dirty dishes left after her birthday ________.

  7. The party turned out to be a quiet ­________. That’s why I had an opportunity to relax.


Exercise 3. Read the sentences and say if they are True or False. Prove the statement or correct it.

1. Never solicit ideas from your guests about your future party, let it be a surprise for them.



2. Try to choose an unusual, rare place for the party.



3. It’s very important to provide a quality sound system.



4. Don’t forget that you are responsible for alcohol consumption too.



5. It’s not a good idea to plan some extra-special activities, and gifts for youngsters.



6. Most people don’t like to give to charities.



7. Of course, nobody can be confused and feel uncomfortable in the group.



8. The authors of the article offer to use a magic wand for holiday party success.




Exercise 4. Speak on one of the following topics.

  1. My last birthday party.

  2. The most exciting New Year party I’ve ever had.

  3. My favorite holiday.

  4. The worth bash in my life.

  5. Wedding day – the most special party for everyone.

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