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2) These are typical questions that a mum gets asked every day. Peter is asking his mum loads of questions. Please read the explanation to "Reported Speech" beforehand if you aren't too sure.

1. "Mum, have you ironed my trousers?"

2. "Can you make my sandwiches for me?"

3. "Are you and Dad going to give me more pocket money?"

4. "What time can you pick me up from Patrick's house?"

5. "Why haven't you washed my shirt?"

6. "When is lunch ready?"

7. "Do you know where my shoes are?"

8. "What are we having for tea?"

9. "Where did you put my tennis racket?"

10. "Do I have to go to bed early at the weekend?"

This is what she tells her husband when he comes home.

1. He asked (me) _______________________________________

2. He wanted to know _______________________________________

3. He wanted to know _______________________________________

4. He asked (me) _______________________________________

5. He wanted to know _______________________________________

6. He wanted to know _______________________________________

7. He asked (me) _______________________________________

8. He wanted to know _______________________________________

9. He asked (me) _______________________________________

10. He wanted to know _______________________________________

3) Complete the sentences in the Reported Speech. Pay attention to the change of Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns and Verbs.

Helen: I want to tell you something about my holiday in London.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that _____________________________________________

Helen: I went to London in July.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that _____________________________________________

Helen: My parents went with me.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that _____________________________________________

Helen: We spent three days in London.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that _____________________________________________

Helen: London is a multicultural place.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that _____________________________________________

Helen: I saw people of all colours.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that _____________________________________________

Helen: Me and my parents visited the Tower.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that _____________________________________________

Helen: One evening we went to see a musical.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that _____________________________________________

Helen: I love London.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that _____________________________________________

Helen: The people are so nice there.

Gareth: What does she say?

You: She says that _____________________________________________

Modal Verbs Equivalents "to have, to be able to"

1) Fill in the spaces with the right modal verbs.

Example: I ________ speak English very fluently. (key = can)

1. You ________ run faster if you weren't so lazy.

2. You ________ leave the class before 1 o'clock.

3. You ________ behave well in front of guests. Stop being silly.

4. You look tired. You ________ have some sleep.

5. You failed in your final test. You ________ have studied harder.

6. ________ I borrow your pen?

7. We ________ watch TV so much.

8. We ________ not climb those mountains when we were kids.

9. The project ________ finish in two years time.

10. Stop smoking! You really ________ not smoke.

11. Sami ________ lift that heavy table. He is too weak.

12. Muneera ________ come to the party, but nobody is sure.

13. Laila ________ not swim when she was one year old.

14. It's too cold. I ________ close the window.

15. It ________ rain in the desert sometimes, but you can't depend on it.

16. If I had enough money, I ________ travel with my friends but now I can't.

17. I ________ to study well for the exam.

18. I wish I ________ buy a new car but I do not have any money.

19. I have no time. I ________ leave now. My parents are waiting for me.

20. He ________ be friendly, but he is usually unfriendly.

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