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15. Give credit to the team when it deserves it

"It is amazing how much you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." Harry Truman, US President (1945-53)

Just as you must always stand up and take the blame, so too must you always heap praise and credit on your team when things go well. If that fabulous sale to Client X comes off because you happened to stay up all night working on it and then used an old contact from a previous job and then swung it because you happened to know something the competition didn't - why, then you say, The team did it'.

Taking the blame does generate loads of loyalty, but so too does giving the team the credit. Say it loudly, in public, sincerely, but do say it. And don't do it tongue in cheek with 'My team did it!, as if you are giving it credit but making sure everyone knows who really was responsible. The implication that it is your team isn't necessary. Everyone knows it is your team so there is no need to mention it, ever. It is OK to say, 'It did a great job, it is a fantastic team. I'm incredibly lucky to have it.' This implies you had nothing to do with it and yet everyone knows it is your team and you are its leader so the team will love you and everyone else will think you incredibly humble and self-effacing. Well done you.

Again, all this takes courage and a lot of self-confidence, I know. You work hard and it doesn't seem fair to give the credit away. I know that you really want to stand up and shout, 'Look, it was me, I did this, all by myself, OK?' But you can't. You see, you didn't do it all by yourself, no matter how much you might believe that. If you are selling, then it is the team that built the product you are selling. Without that team you would have rubbish to sell. Tell the team that selling the product was a doddle because it had done such a good job. It will glow with pride and redouble its efforts.

16. Get the best resources for your team

"A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and per­sonal power." Brian Tracy, personal and business coach

If your team is a tool you use to get greater glory for little ol' you, then the resources your team uses are the tools it needs to carry it - and thus you - onward and forward. Too many managers think that by cutting their team's resources they are earning some sort of brownie points to be stored up - and used in what? Heaven? I don't think so. You have to get the best resources for your team. By depriving the team you are depriving it also of the chance to shine, to propel you to greater glory

I know of a lot of managers who say, 'Oh, they can manage for a few more years with Windows 95'. Or They probably wouldn't know what to do with broadband, I can save a bob or two if I hold off for a bit'. I have even heard, 'I try to keep a short rein on what they need in case it gets out of hand'.

For heavens sake. Get your team the best, the very, very best, and then let it get on with its job - which is to make you look good.

If your people need technology - get it for them even if you have to move heaven and earth. If they need more staff, paper stuff, bigger and better machines, higher quality tools - go get 'em. Whatever it is they need to get their job done slicker, quicker, better, bigger, faster, more productively, cheaper, whatever - go get it. If you have to argue, sweat blood, plead, beg, bust a budget or two - do it. Do it now. You simply can't expect them to a) give of their best, or b) be motivated, if you keep them short. They will talk to other people you know: colleagues in the same organi­zation, friends in other organizations. They will know when they are being short-changed and they will resent it, resent you and work less effectively. In consequence, you will fail to shine. Ipso facto - go get them the best you can.

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