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5 What do we call misrelated participles?

A participle is considered to belong to the noun/pronoun which precedes it (which usually, but not necessarily, is the subject of the main verb). If there is no noun/pronoun in this position the participle is considered to belong to the subject of the following main verb.

We require an irrevocable letter of credit confirmed on a London bank.

Мы требуем аккредитив, подтвержденный Лондонским банком.

Believing that he is alone, the man expressed his thoughts aloud.

Полагая, что он один, мужчина озвучил свои мысли.

If this principle is disregarded confusion results.



Climbing down the tree, one of the branches broke.

As he was climbing down the tree, one of the branches broke

When using this machine it must be remembered.

When using this machine you must remember...

Exercise 5

Correct the sentences with misrelated participles. Sometimes only a change of order is required.


Incorrect form:

Reading the letter a second time, the meaning becomes clearer.

Correct form:

When I read the letter a second time, the meaning becomes clearer.

  1. When paying by cheque, a bank card should be shown.

  2. Leaving the cinema, it seemed to him that the film had been exceptionally bad.

  3. Misunderstanding the question, the wrong answer was sent in.

  4. When driving carelessly it is easy to have an accident.

  5. Written in large letters they read the words “No entry”.

  6. Wondering where to go, an advertisement caught my eye.

  7. Falling from such a height, we thought he would never survive.

  8. Writing my name in the hotel register, a familiar voice attracted my attention.

  9. Having paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.

  10. Weakened by his last illness, I felt sure that another winter in this country would kill him.

  11. Looking through the actual expenditures against the budget, the amount spent turned out rather high. (about Hector Grant)

6. What is the meaning of the structure to have (get) something done?

have + object + past participle

We use the causative structure to have (get) something done to talk about something which we arrange for someone else to do for us:

I’m having my account checked at the moment.

Мне сейчас выверяют счет.


I’m checking my account at the moment.

Я сейчас выверяю счет.

More examples:

You should understand by now! You have had it explained often enough!

Вам пора уже понимать! Вам достаточно часто это объясняли!

We now have the problem solved.

Теперь проблема у нас решена.

Get this problem solved by them!

Пусть они решат эту проблему!

We must treat this as a national emergency issue and must get this decision reversed.

Мы это должны рассматривать как вопрос чрезвычайного значе-ния для страны и должны добиться, чтобы это решение было изменено.

Wait! We are having entries in our balance sheet calculated.

Подождите! Нам подсчитывают проводки в балансовом отчете.

Exercise 6


Complete these sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian. Follow the model.


Have you had your statements ……checked…. recently? (to check)

  1. Your preliminary desk research sounds dreadful. You ought to have it … . (rewrite)

  2. This Dangerous Goods Note is so important. I’m going to have it … by an expert. (check)

  3. I’d like to have the statistical difference between these sources by an entry entitled “Net Errors and Omissions”. (balance)

  4. I would like you … upon an increase as well as a decrease in the nation’s reserves (comment).

  5. We can’t take more than a specified amount of money with us when we travel abroad as the nation is having its invisible trade expenditures at the moment. (limit)

  6. They are going to have capital for investments abroad … by requiring government approval for any new foreign investments. (restrict)

  7. The government … the loans that the banks could extend abroad. (just, restrict)

  8. If other measures are insufficient, a country may have its currency … . (devalue)

  9. Can we get devaluation with other effective measures to balance the economy? (combine)


Do it in English. Use the construction to have something done in each sentence.

  1. Мы можем добиться, чтобы эти ограничения были отменены?

  2. Когда им предоставят эти доверенности?

  3. Соединенные Штаты хотели бы, чтобы японцами была введена пошлина в 6-8 % на запчасти к автомобилям.

  4. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мои распоряжения выполнялись.

  5. По поручению Кристофера Торна компании Буш и Грин послали пару достаточно жестких писем.

  6. Им могут отложить платеж до конца месяца.

  7. Пусть вам приготовят счет сразу же.

  8. Проследите, чтобы документ был напечатан в двух экземплярах.

  9. Пусть бухгалтеру-стажеру напомнят о долгах, давно подлежащих погашению.

  10. Импортные автомобили были проверены для них по-отдельности.

  11. Когда вам пришлют извещение о доставке?

  12. Когда мы приехали, все торговые ограничения были уже сняты.

  13. Мы должны рассмотреть этот вопрос в понедельник.

  14. Как часто им предоставляют перечень товаров?

  15. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы была избрана рабочая группа из 3-5 человек для того, чтобы выработать и записать все возможные аргументы «за» и «против».

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