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Chapter 16 letters tasks

Find the following words and word combinations in the text of Chapter 16 and translate them into your mother-language.

to keep one’s resolution

a blessed solace

to be prudent

to get despondent

to do rash things

on the spot

to be a credit to the family

to detain smb

to get pretty blue

he was a trump

to be in the right

to wield a broom

to do picket duty at night

Translate the following:

  1. That was the hard minute, but the girls stood it well.

  2. Coffee was a treat.

  3. Away went Jo, feeling like a shorn ship on a wintry day.

  4. At first, everyone was eager to write, and plump envelopes were carefully poked into the letter box by one or other of the sisters.

Translate the following passage into English. Compare it with the original.

- Оставляю вас на попечении Ханны и под покровитель­ством мистера Лоренса. Наша Ханна сама преданность, а мис­тер Лоренс будет заботиться о вас не меньше, чем о собствен­ном внуке. Словом, мне нечего о вас тревожиться. Хочу толь­ко, чтобы вы правильно отнеслись к беде, которая свалилась на нас. Не вздумайте горевать или сетовать на судьбу. Это оди­наково глупо и никому еще не приносило облегчения. Не на­дейтесь, что найдете утешение в лености или забвении. Труди­тесь, как всегда. Сейчас работа - единственное наше спасение. И даже в самом худшем случае память об отце всегда будет с вами.




The title of the chapter is: LITTLE FAITHFUL.

faithful 1) а) верный, стойкий, преданный (in, to)

Syn: devoted, true, steadfast, loyal

б) верующий, правоверный

2) добросовестный, сознательный, честный

Syn: conscientious

3) обязывающий faithful promise — серьезное обещание (обязывающее ко многому) Syn: binding

Give your translation of the title.

Study the following passage and find synonyms.

For a week the amount of virtue in the old house would have supplied the neighborhood. It was really amazing, for everyone seemed in a heavenly frame of mind, and self-denial was all the fashion. Relieved of their first anxiety about their father, girls insensibly relaxed their praiseworthy efforts a little, and began to fall back into old ways. They did not forget their motto, but hoping and keeping busy seemed to grow easier, and after such tremendous exertions, they felt that Endeavor deserved a holiday, and gave it a good many.

Find in the text and translate into Russian the following words and expressions:




to console

to feel anxious

errand boy

Translate into Russian the following sentences. Comment on them.

Everyone seemed in a heavenly frame of mind, and self-denial was all the fashion.

Relieved of their first anxiety about their father, girls insensibly relaxed their praiseworthy efforts a little, and began to fall back into old ways.

They felt that Endeavor deserved a holiday, and gave it a good many.