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Chapter 11 experiments tasks

Find the following words and word combinations in the text of Chapter 11 and translate them into your mother-language.

to be through

to quake

to pop out one’s head

to whisk round

to revel to one’s heart’s content

a return snub



to yawn

to rummage everything

an inquisitive daddy-longlegs


a raging headache

mere trifles

plenty of mischief

to get fidgety


to try the patience

in dismay

to grumble

an obliging offer

to whisk litter

to make up the quarrel


a volcanic eruption

to feel out of sorts

to restore smb

to console

to rekindle the fire

to make a good bargain

to trudge home

to gossip

a spinster

an easy chair

a salad dressing

to aggravate

to purse up one’s lips

a pitcher of rich cream

to make ready to go

an assuaged grief


to take up a burden

regular hours

Speak on the following:

What kind of mood is shown in the sentence: “Plumfield is about as gay as a churchyard”?

What do we say in a similar situation: “She came in looking as if bears were after her”?

Translate the following:

  1. Mrs. March, who had a good deal of humor, resolved to finish off the trial in an appropriate manner.

  2. In fact, it was an immense relief to them all to have a little work, and they took hold with a will, but soon realized the truth of Hannah’s saying.

  3. She said, producing the more palatable viands with which she had provided herself, and disposing of the bad breakfast, so that their feelings might not be hurt – a motherly little deception for which they were grateful.

  4. I shall get some asparagus and a lobster, ‘for a relish’, as Hannah says.

  5. And Jo went off in a huff, at the doubts expressed of her powers.

  6. Language cannot describe the anxieties, experiences, and exertions which Jo underwent that morning.

  7. The dinner she served became a standing joke.

  8. Miss Crocker, whose curious eyes would mark all failures and whose tattling tongue would report them far and wide.

  9. Laurie, he was eating away manfully, though there was a slight pucker, about his mouth and he kept his eye fixed on his plate.

  10. Amy, who was fond of delicate fare, took a heaping spoonful, choked, hid her face in her napkin, and left the table precipitately.

  11. Lounging and larking doesn’t pay.

  12. Work is wholesome.

  13. I shall attend to my parts of speech.

Translate the following passages. Comment on them.

1. "Then let me advise you to take up your little burdens again, for though they seem heavy sometimes, they are good for us, and lighten as we learn to carry them. Work is wholesome, and there is plenty for everyone. It keeps us from ennui and mischief, is good for health and spirits, and gives us a sense of power and independence better than money or fashion."

2. "Very good! Then I am quite satisfied with the experiment, and fancy that we shall not have to repeat it, only don't go to the other extreme and delve like slaves. Have regular hours for work and play, make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life become a beautiful success, in spite of poverty."

Dwell upon the results of the experiment.

Translate the following passage into English. Compare it with the original.

  • Я поняла, Марми! - воскликнула Мег. - Ведь ты нарочно ушла из дома, чтобы посмотреть, как мы управимся без тебя и Ханны.

  • Ну да! Я хотела, чтобы вы поняли, насколько уют в нашем доме зависит от всех нас. Пока мы с Ханной исполняли ваши обязанности, все шло прекрасно. Правда, вы давно за­скучали и скуксились, однако особенных неудобств не испы­тывали. Вот я и решила дать вам возможность понять, что получается, когда каждый думает только о себе. Наверное, теперь вы согласитесь, что куда приятнее помогать друг другу и исполнять ежедневные обязанности.

- Правильно, мама. Теперь мы знаем это! — воскликнули девочки.

–Ну что ж, если вы согласны, советую каждой из вас снова взвалить на себя свою ношу. Я понимаю, иногда обязанности кажутся невыносимыми. Странно, если бы все обстояло ина­че. Утешайтесь тем, что дела наши приносят пользу. И не только нам. Кроме того, работа хранит каждого из нас от жестокости и зла. И дает ощущение независимости и свободы больше, чем деньги.