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Chapter 12 camp laurence tasks

Find the following words and word combinations in the text of Chapter 12 and translate them into your mother-language.

to attend to some work

to distribute the mail

odd gloves, a sly fellow

trials, sincerity

pecks of praise

a little romance

to write in a big and dashing hand

to have a jolly time

to prim up one’s mouth

to fight off one’s shyness

a good omen


to remonstrate

free and easy demeanor


to do one’s best to upset a boat

to feather oars with skill and dexterity

to regard smb with aversion

to put on airs

to contest every inch of the ground

to box smb’s ears

to get water from a spring

peals of laughter

with all one’s might and main

a trump card

to preach propriety

to stop short

to seek one’s fortune

to tame and train a fine but unbroken colt

to keep smb by a spell

to stand by smb through thick and thin

a matter-of-fact tone

to retort, bashful

to lament one’s hard lot

to dote upon smth

to shun smb

to confess one’s shortcomings

Translate the following and comment on the sentences:

  1. She went about the house leaving letters and parcels like the penny post.

  2. He has sent me this to try me.

  3. I cant’ let Beth off at any price, and nobody shall worry her.

  4. Don’t bother about rations – I’ll see to that and everything else.

  5. I shall row and tramp about, so I don’t want any starch to think of.

  6. Meg had an extra row of little curlpapers across her forehead, Jo had

copiously anointed her afflicted face with cold cream, Beth had taken Joanna to bed with her to atone for the approaching separation, and Amy had capped the climax by putting a clothespin on her nose to uplift the offending feature.

  1. It was not far to Longmeadow, but the tent was pitched and the wickets down by the time they arrived. A pleasant green field, with three wide-spreading oaks in the middle and a smooth strip of turf for croquet.

  2. Fred had several skirmishes and once narrowly escaped high words.

  3. Jo opened her lips to say something rude, but checked herself in time, colored up to her forehead and stood a minute, hammering down a wicket with all her might, while Fred hit the stake and declared himself out with much exultation. She went off to get her ball, and was a long time finding it among the bushes, but she came back, looking cool and quiet, and waited her turn patiently. It took several strokes to regain the place she had lost, and when she got there, the other side had nearly won, for Kate’s ball was the last but one and lay near the stake.

  4. A tall figure, all in white with a veil over its face and a lamp in its wasted hand.