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Vocabulary Notes

number – szám

digit – számjegy

value – érték

according to the column – az oszlopnak megfelelóen

unit’s column – egyesek (oszlop)

ten’s column – tizesek

to make it easy to read – hogy megkönnyítsük az olvasást

period – periódus, szakasz

unit – egység; az 1-es szám

operation – művelet

enables the user – lehetővé teszi a felhasználó részére

decimal system – tizes számrendszer


I. Answer the following questions on the text:

1. How many digits are there in the Arabic system?

2. What kind of system is the Arabic system?

3. What columns are there in this system?

4. What is a period?

5. What is the first period of three columns to the right called?

6. What are the second and the third periods called?

II. Read the following numbers:

875; 248; 2,045; 9,000; 9,882; 79,333; 948,567; 888,745; 223; 341; 227; 529.

III. Make up a dialogue on the text. Lesson 2 addition

Addition is a way of finding of a single number which is exactly as large as two or more numbers put together. This single number is then called the sum or total of the other numbers. The sign which shows addition is the plus sign (+) so that 6 + 8 means 6 added to 8. The word “and” is sometimes used instead of the + sign so that 6 + 8 can be read as 6 and 8. The process is then written as 6 + 8 = 14 which means that the result of adding 6 to 8 are 14 or that 14 is a single number which is exactly as large as 6 and 8 put together.

The modern method of counting is called a decimal system since it is based on «tens». The Latin word decem means 10.

Addition is best performed when the numbers are written in columns so that units, tens, hundreds, and so on are written vertically. Let us sum up such numbers

5267 (summand)

+1432 (addend)


10,594 (sum, total, answer)

We begin with the column on the right hand and sum the figures up from below. Then we take the next and so on. We speak thus: 5 plus (and) 2 are 7 and 7 gives 14; put down 4 and carry 1; l and 9 are 10 and 3 are 13 and 6 are 19; put down 9 and carry 1; 1 and 8 are 9 and 4 are 13 and 2 are 15; put down 5 and carry 1; 1 and 3 are 4 and 1are 5 and 5 are 10; write down 10 ( or put down 10).The total (or the sum, or the answer) will be ten thousand five hundred and ninety four.

The same result will be found if we begin to sum up from the downwards.

The summing of two or more numbers does not change when the order in which the numbers are added is changed. For example, 17+86=103; and 86+17=103.

Vocabulary notes

instead of – helyett

the modern method of counting – modern számolási módszer

is best performed – a legjobban elvégezhető

on the right hand – jobbról

summand – első összeadandó

addend – második összeadandó

from the top downwards – fentről lefelé

put together / sum up – összead

carry – marad

put down - felír

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