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Английский. Учебник(часть 2).doc
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Работа над чтением

I. Прочтите три сообщения о британской погоде. Определите, к какому сообщению относится каждая из трех фраз, данных перед текстом.

1. The weather in Great Britain is often different during the day.

2. The sun doesn’t often shine in Great Britain.

3. It’s impossible for the British people to skate outdoors in winter.

The British Weather

1. The climate in Great Britain is usually mild (мягкий). It doesn't get very hot in summer but it's never (никогда) too (слишком) cold in winter because the warm Gulf Stream from the west and south-west has an effect on the British weather. January and February are usually the coldest months. July and August are the warmest. During the year the temperature is usually from 5 to 23 degrees (градус) above zero. In the south it is sometimes above 30 degrees, but they don't often have winter temperature below 10 degrees. British lakes and rivers don't usually freeze and it snows only (только) in the north but not often.

2. The weather in Great Britain changes (изменяться) very often because of the winds from different parts (частей) of the world (мир). The British often say that they have no climate but only weather. People like to speak (разговаривать) about their weather. When they plan different jobs they often say (говорят) «... if the weather is fine». But it is fine not very often. When people speak about the nature of a person they often say: «He or she is as changeable (переменный) as the weather».

3. The British people say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long. Sometimes when the rain is heavy (сильный) they say, «It's raining cats and dogs» (Дождь льет как из ведра). Really the rain is the most important characteristics of the British weather. But the worst thing in it is the fog (туман), which they usually have for days and weeks in autumn and winter. It is often mixed (смешивается) with smoke (дым) and they have smog (smoke + fog) which is even worse than fog.

II. Прочтите стихотворение, поймите его смысл. Выучите стихотворение наизусть.

Margaret Wise Brown

How do you know it’s Spring?

And how do you know it’s Fall?

Suppose your eyes were always shut

And you couldn’t see at all.

Could you smell and hear the Spring?

And could you feel the Fall?

  1. to know [nou] – знать

  2. fall [fo:l] – осень (амер.)

  3. to suppose [səʹpouz] – предполагать

  4. eyes [aiz] – глаза

  5. always [ʹo:lwəz] – всегда

  6. shut [ʃʌt] – закрытый

  7. could [kud] – мог бы

  8. to see [si:] – видеть

  9. at all [ətʹo:l] – совсем

  10. to smell [smel] – чувствовать запах

  11. to hear [hiə] – слышать

  12. to feel [fi:l] – чувствовать, ощущать

Речевой этикет Поздравления

 (My) congratulations [kənˏgrætjuʹleiʃnz] (to you)!

Мои поздравления!

– Thank you.


 Happy [ʹhæpi] birthday [ʹbə:θdei] to you!

Поздравляю с Днем рождения!

 Many happy returns of the day.

Долгих лет жизни.

– Thank you (very much).

(Большое) спасибо.

 Happy New Year!

С Новым Годом!

Merry [ʹmeri] Christmas [ʹkrisməs]

Счастливого Рождества!

– The same [seim] to you!

И тебя / вас поздравляю!

Выразите на английском языке диалог, представленный по-русски, употребляя выражения речевого этикета. Соответствующие английские фразы даны в виде ключей для подготовки и при ответе должны быть закрыты.


С Новым годом тебя!


Happy New Year!


И тебя поздравляю. Я люблю этот праздник больше всего, потому что у меня также день рождения в этот день.


The same to you. I like this holiday most of all because I also have a birthday on this day.


Поздравляю тебя тоже с днем рождения. Долгих лет жизни тебе.


Happy birthday to you too. Many happy returns of the day.


Большое спасибо.


Thank you very much.


У меня новый бизнес теперь. Это информационные технологии. Я очень рад.


I have a new business now. It’s information technologies. I’m very glad.


Ну, мои поздравления тебе.


Well, my congratulations to you.




Thank you.

Урок 6

Речевая тема: «My Working Day»

Грамматика: Прошедшее неопределенное время. Неправильные глаголы английского языка (часть I).