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Английский. Учебник(часть 2).doc
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Работа над разговорной речью

I. Укажите, посредством каких английских глаголов можно дать сведения о каждом явлении, представленном в левой колонке. Будьте внимательны при выборе числа указанных глаголов.

  1. The weather

  2. The days and nights

  3. Trees and grass

  4. The sun

  5. Clouds

  6. Winds

  7. Lakes and rivers

  8. Flowers

  9. Birds

  10. Children

  1. are / is (warm, cold… / long, short / green, yellow…).

  2. have / has (holidays / studies…).

  3. become(s) (warm, cold… / long, short / green, yellow…).

  4. go(es) for a walk.

  5. freeze(s).

  6. shine(s) (in the sky / brightly).

  7. cover(s) (the sky / the ground).

  8. blow(s) (strongly).

  9. ski(s) and skate(s).

  10. fly(ies) away (to the south).

II. Охарактеризуйте каждое явление, представленное в левой колонке по временам года. В правой колонке даны слова для описания каждой ситуации.

        1. The weather

        1. The days and nights

        2. The trees and grass

        3. Rain or snow

        4. The sun

        5. The wind

        6. Clouds

        7. Farmers

        8. Children

        1. Birds or animals

  1. hot / warm / cool / cold; pleasant / not pleasant

  2. long / short

  3. green / yellow

  4. usually (often) / sometimes

  5. bright(ly); usually (often) / sometimes

  6. strong(ly); often / not often

  7. dark; usually (often) / sometimes

  8. a lot of work in the fields

  9. go to school / have their holidays / go for a walk outdoors, like to ski and skate

  10. difficult life / not difficult life, fly away to the south / return home

III. Завершите предложения, указав причину данных утверждений.

  1. Children don’t go to school in summer because…

  2. The days are long in summer because…

  3. Children like to play outside because…

  4. People often like summer most of all because…

  5. In autumn children don’t often go for a walk because…

  6. Birds fly away to the south in autumn because…

  7. Winter is the worst time for birds and animals because…

  8. The days are short in winter because…

  9. Spring is a more pleasant season than winter because…

  10. Spring and autumn are the most difficult seasons for farmers because…

VI. Расскажите о своем любимом времени года. Можно начинать сообщение со следующих фраз:

  • My favourite season is…

  • Summer / Autumn / Winter / Spring is the most pleasant season for me because…

  • I like (love) summer /autumn / winter / spring most of all because…

V. Сравните различные времена года. При сравнении можно использовать следующие речевые модели:

  • It gets warm(er)… / light(er)

  • The weather is (becomes) warmer… / more pleasant…

VI. Подготовьте сообщение о различных временах года.