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Практическая грамматика английского языка.doc
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Формы глагола в пассиве указывают на то, что действие, выра­женное глаголом-сказуемым, направлено на подлежащее.

The lecture was delivered yesterday. Лекция была прочитана вчера. This part was broken. Эту деталь сломали.

Показателем лица, числа и времени служит вспомогательный глагол to be (т.е. am, is, are, were, was, shall be, would be, should have been, would have been) с Participle II.

Participle II стандартных глаголов оканчивается на -ed. Participle II нестандартных глаголов имеет различные окон­чания. Смысловой глагол стоит всегда в форме Participle II, т.е. остаётся всегда неизменным, как всякая неличная форма.

The articles are written Статьи пишутся (пишут)

for newspapers every day. для газет каждый день.

The articles were written Статьи были написаны

yesterday. (писали) вчера.

The articles will be written Статьи будут написаны

tomorrow. (напишут) завтра.


I. В следующих предложениях найдите сказуемое, определите временную форму и залог глагола. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод сказуемого в Present и Past Continuous Passive.

  1. The student is carrying out the experiment. This experiment is now being carried out in vacuum.

  2. The student was carrying out this experiment yesterday at 5 o'clock. This experiment was being carried out under low pressure.

  3. A new automation equipment is being installed in our shop.

  4. Computers are now being installed at our plants.

  5. During the war the radar was being used for detecting airplanes.

  6. For a long time electronic devices were being used for control.

II. Выпишите предложения с глаголами в активной фор­ ме, а затем предложения с глаголами в пассивной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. At present a great number of transistors is being produced by our industry. * 2. During our experiment the computer was performing mathematical operations. 3. The students will be measuring temperature regularly in the course of the experiment.

  2. The process of separating metals from their ores was being used for a long time.

  1. The engineers of our plant are working out new measuring devices.

  2. For a long time plastic materials were being used for home construction.

III. В следующих предложениях найдите сказуемое, опреде­ лите временную форму и залог глагола. Переведите пред­ ложения, обращая внимание на перевод сказуемого в форме Present, Past и Future Perfect Passive.

1. Electronics has made a rapid progress.

A further progress has been made in microwave systems.

  1. When the designer came we had already installed new equipment. New equipment had been installed in our shop when the designer returned to the plant.

  2. By the end of this week the students will have b^en" conducted all the experiments.

By 8 o'clock all the experiments will have\6onducted.

  1. The radar has been used for the automatic control of automobiles.

  2. The majority of valves have already been replaced with tiny transistors.

  3. By the middle of the 19th century about 60 elements had been discovered.

  4. By the end of the year a large variety of semiconductor devices will have been produced.

IV. Выпишите предложения с глаголами в активной фор­ ме, а затем предложения с глаголами в пассивной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Owing to its light weight and high melting point this metal has P been used for rocket construction .

2. Simple radio receivers had been in use long before the application p

of electronic devices. *■* 3. These materials have been available for over a decade. -4. In the last twenty years remarkable advances have been made in

the development of science and technology. r 5. Had these chemical properties been discovered by 1869?

  1. The quality control has been necessary for all electrical components.

  2. Just before Hertz began his experiments Crooks and others had been constructing cathode ray tubes.

V. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое вни­ мание на сказуемое, выраженное глаголами в пассивной форме.

  1. Many operations which were formely performed by skilled workers are now being performed by computers.

  2. After these operations had been performed,the metal was subjected to mechanical test.

  3. The translation from one language into another will soon be performed by the computers.

  4. When you return all mathematical calculations will have been performed by means of the electronic computing machine.

VI. Переведите предложения с глаголами в активной и пассивной форме.

  1. Men operate complicated machines. Complicated machines are operated by men.

  2. Lightning damages cables easily. Cables are easily damaged by lightning.

  3. Samuel Morse invented the Morse code.

The Morse code was invented by Samuel Morse.

  1. Power stations generate electric power. Electric power is generated by power stations.

  2. He has not posted the letter yet. The letter has not been posted yet.

  3. Third-year students study special subjects. Special subjects are studied by third-year students.

  4. They use alternating current to send messages. Alternating current is used to send messages.

VII. Измените следующие предложения в активном залоге в предложения в пассивном, залоге, используя предлог by.

  1. Impulses signal a dash and a dot.

  2. Most modern telegraph systems use alternating current.

  3. The telephone connects you to a person directly.

  4. Many examples illustrate this fact.

  5. The laboratory has developed a new receiving machine.

  6. The new invention minimize the experimental errors.

  7. Several examples demonstrate this idea,

  8. Man has increased the speed of the machine.

  9. Telegraph lines connect telephone stations.

10. The first underground cable linked America and Britain in 1866.

VIII. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внима­ ние на то, что различные временные формы глагола перево­ дятся на русский язык одинаково.


Не has seen this film. Он видел фильм.

Не saw this film yesterday. Он видел этот фильм вчера. Не had seen this film Он видел этот фильм до того,

before he returned to Moscow, как он вернулся в Москву.

1. They have obtained innumerable varieties of new alloys. They obtained good television images several years ago.

They had obtained most important chemical products by the end of the year.

  1. They applied the method of producing glass not long ago. They have applied this method of casting steel in recent )'ears. They had applied this method before the radioactivity was discovered.

  2. The experimental part of the programme had achieved several successful launches by November, I960.

Science and technology have achieved great progress in space


Research workers achieved greater accuracy of scientific

observations when they began to use radio waves.

IX. В следующих предложениях найдите сказуемое, определи­те временную форму и залог глагола. Переведите предложе­ния, обращая внимание на перевод пассивных конструкций.

  1. In general, organic coatings are used for protecting structures and machines.

  2. These polymeric materials were used as a wire covering material for electrical circuits.

  3. The new plastics will be mainly used as insulators in electrical and electronic circuits.

  4. Polymers are now being used for different purposes and new applications are being constantly developed.

  5. For a long time the existing polymers were being used in combination with other materials.

  6. Today plastics have been used to replace metals for. certain applications.

  1. When the engineer returned to the plant a year later new advanced technological processes had been used for producing synthetic leather.

  2. More than half a century chemists have been using this method for producing synthetic rubber.

X. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода английских пассивных конструк­ций.

  1. Today polymers are referred to as materials of vital importance.

  2. Film coatings are generally spoken about when plastics are mentioned.

  3. Much attention is now being paid to the use of polymers because they have many desirable properties.

  4. The word "automation" is often mentioned nowadays.

  5. Electronics is usually thought of as that part of electricity which deals with vacuum tubes and transistors.

6: We were shown the superiority of the new system over the old one. 7. The students are given every opportunity to apply their knowledge according to their speciality.