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11. Soil and water developments trends

What are the future developments in the use of the soil and water resources? It is clear that the resources cannot be used in a blundering way. If they are, our beautiful Earth will soon become hostile to Man.

The main source of food for many will still be from land-based agriculture. This agriculture will have become highly efficient. In many cases production will include carbon dioxide enrichment and methods for more efficient use of the Sun’s energy.

Water pollution will continue to be a problem. Most nutrients from water treatment plants of cities and industries will be returned to the soil to help replenish this delicate resource of the Earth. Agricultural engineers will work more closely with ecologists using computers, so that Man’s actions are with Nature, not against it. Water will be used and re-used.

By the end of the next half century there will be much more people on the Earth - all dependent on its resources. Survival will not be without the use of the regenerative power of our soil and water. Agricultural engineers must continue to lead in this work.

Notes to the Text

blunder – ошибка

water treatment plant – водоочистные сооружения

nutrient – питательное вещество

12. Prospects of irrigation engineering

Irrigation of crops has been a normal practice in the arid regions during all the history of man. In some cases it was the overflow of the river that wetted the soil. In others, man diverted small streams of water to his crops, or brought himself water to his plants. However, it is only in the recent years that man understood the need to irrigate land in so-called “wet regions” - for example in the tropics. Here temperatures allow year-long cropping. Irrigation during the dry periods can help vary from one crop and year to several, thus providing crop rotation.

Irrigation should become a usual practice in all areas of the world. In the high rainfall areas it must be done with good surface and subsurface drainage. The removal of water during wet periods and the application of water during dry periods will allow to create an environment most suitable to crop production. There will be no continuously wet areas which encourage the production of insects.

Due to automated irrigation the optimum amounts of water at the optimum timing will automatically come to crops. Irrigation projects will be operated from a central office including the river structures for both flood control and water supply needs for irrigation, pollution control, etc.

Notes to the Text

overflow – затопление, паводок, разлив

it is only in the recent years that – только недавно

year-long cropping – круглогодичный сбор урожая

due to automated irrigation – благодаря автоматизированному орошению

flood control – защита от наводнений

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