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методичка для з.о ЭМФ 2012.DOC
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Furrow Irrigation

Furrow irrigation is one of the most common methods of surface water application in farming to day. Furrow irrigation is adaptable to all row crops all soils except very sandy types with high intake rates.

When using the furrow method, ideally just enough water should be released in each furrow to water its entire length any run-off.

Water may be released from the field supply to furrows through ditch openings, hydrants, siphon tubes or gated pipes. The latter two methods are most generally used and provide the best control for efficient irrigation.

Dry soil will absorb water faster than its basic intake rate, so a larger volume of water should be applied at the start of irrigation of each furrow so as to wet its entire length as possible.

Контрольное задание № 2 вариант 2

I Перепишите следующие предложения, найдите и подчеркните в них причастие, герундий или инфинитив, определите их функцию в предложении, переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. A bare soil lets rain and smelting snow run over its surface without soaking in.

  1. Irrigation is chiefly aimed at delivering the optimum amount of water directly into the soil to ensure plant growth.

  1. In order to keep the land dry many miles of canals have been built in Holland.

  1. Having planned reclamation measures the farmers have given renewed life to a vast area of land.

  2. The principal factors affecting the water-holding capacity of soil are texture, structure and organic matter content.

  1. Much has been done to avoid the effects of chemical industries on land resources.

II Перепишите предложения, найдите и подчеркните в них объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язы, принимая во внимание, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют большей частью придаточным предложениям

1 .Scientists do not consider this effect to be an experimental error of any kind.

2.The distribution system consists of a series of structures which permit the water tables to be raised to an uniform depth below the ground surface over the entire area.

  1. Better results are known to be obtained by seeding wheat with the drill.

  2. Dark-coloured soils are considered to suggest higher productivity than light-coloured ones.

  3. This crop appears to be fully developed in all areas of the United States.

  4. They heard the farmer speak about the new crop to be grown on his fields.

III Перепишите английские предложения, найдите и подчеркните в них зависимый или независимый причастный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. People living in rural communities need more favourable conditions for their life and public activity.

  2. Speaking of soil and soil conservation one must always think of water, since without it life would disappear from the earth.

  3. The sun heating the surface of the ocean, the water vapour rises into the air.

  4. Sea water containing harmful substances, it cannot be used for irrigation or drinking purposes.

IV Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие сложные предложения, подчеркните в каждом английском предложении придаточные предложения условия.

  1. Had the unknown engineer made use of mortar, had he provided a spillway, had he chosen a way with a gentle slope, how different might have been the history of Egyptian irrigation.

  2. If she had not been so busy, she would have certainly taken part in the conference on irrigation problems.

3. If the electric car were used instead of the convention car we should have minimal maintenance and repair costs and no air pollution.