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My home is my castle.doc
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Vegetable Soup

Peel and cut into very small pieces three onions, three turnips, one carrot and four potatoes, put them into a pan with 100 g of butter, 150 g of ham and a bunch of parsley; pass them ten minutes over a sharp fire, then add a spoonful of flour, mix well; add 2 litres of broth and 0.5 litre of boiling milk; boil up, keeping it stirred; skim it; add a little salt and sugar and run it through a sieve into another pan; boil again and serve with fried bread in it.

Stewed Beef and Pork

Put into a saucepan about 800 g of beef cut into 8 pieces; 200 g of pork cut into 2 pieces; six table spoonfuls of rice; 4 middle-sized onions peeled and sliced; a table spoonful of sugar; a little pepper and salt; add 2 litres of water; simmer gently for three hours; remove the fat from top and serve.

Home Made Cake

250 g of flour; 250 g of castor sugar; 250 g of seedless raisins; 50 g of chopped almonds; 50 g of preserved cherries; 170 g of butter; 4 eggs; pinch of soda. Sieve the flour, sugar and soda together into a basin; add the prepared fruit-chopped cherries and almond. Add eggs and butter. Mix it thoroughly. Place in a tin lined with greaseproof paper and brush with some melted butter. Bake in a slow oven for 2 hours. Leave for 5 minutes in a tin, then turn it out and cool.

Ex. 3. Give a word or a phrase for the following definition.

1. scrape into small pieces (cheese, carrots);

2. cut or chop (meat etc) into small pieces with revolving blades;

3. take the skin off;

4. beat or flop (eggs, cream);

5. cook in water at 100 degree C;

6. cook in boiling oil or fat;

7. cook in a hot oven or over a hot fire;

8. be cooked in water or juice slowly in a closed dish.

Ex. 4. Give a detailed description of cooking your favorite dish, mixing and dressing a salad.

Eating Out

by Clement Harding

The Old Mill, The Quay

The Wardleton, Sussex

Open: Tuesday-Sunday 7-11.30 p.m.

This week we decided to look at a small family-run restaurant in village of Wardleton. "The Old Mill" is newly opened and overlooks the River Wardle, and we had heard several favourable comments about it. Because we had been advised to book early, we managed to get a nice table with a view of the quay. We were made very welcome and service was excellent because it is a small family business. The proprietor, Jeff Dean, runs the kitchen himself and his wife, Nelly, showed us to our table.

Although the choice of items on the menu was very extensive, it was rather traditional. A long menu always worries me, because a large menu often means a large freezer! We started with Wardle Trout and although it; fresh, it was spoilt by a number of herbs. For my main course I chose pepper steak, which was the speciality of the day. I thought it was almost perfect because the chef had chosen excellent meat and it was cooked long enough.

My wife ordered the roast lamb, and although the quality of the meat good, she thought it was a little underdone. Though the vegetables were fresh, they came in very small portions and were rather over-cooked for our taste. However, the bread was fresh because it had been baked on the premises. I have often complained in this column about the difficulty of finding any restaurant which serves a fresh fruit salad. Luckily, this one did. Even though it must have been very time-consuming to prepare, it was a delight to see, and I had a second helping. As usual, I chose house wine, as this is often the best way to judge a restaurant’s wine list. It was a French-bottled table wine which was quite satisfactory and reasonably priced. The bill, including coffee and brandy, came to 37 pounds, which was acceptable for the class of restaurant, although that did not include service.


1. quay [ki:] a built landing place for vessels

Ex. 1. Translate the following words and phrases:

1) Family-run restaurant; 2) overlook the River; 3) run the kitchen himself; 4) extensive; 5) were made very welcome; 6) the proprietor; 7) herbs; 8) the speciality, of the day; 9) was a little underdone; 10) were overcooked; 11) it was a delight to see; 12) a second helping; 13) wine list; 14) French-bottled table wine; 15) reasonably priced.

Ех. 2. Give English equivalents to the words in brackets:

1. "The Old Mill" (недавно открылся) but it has already received (благоприятные отзывы).

2. We managed to get a nice table as we (рано заказали столик).

3. You’ll be surprised by Jeff Dean (владелец ресторана) runs the kitchen himself.

4. His wife, Nelly, (проводила нас к нашему столику).

5. (Выбор блюд) on the menu was very extensive.

6. The fish (мы заказали) was spoilt and the roast lamb (был немного недожарен).

7. The bread was fresh because (его пекли здесь же).

8. I was suprised because they (подали салат из свежих фруктов).

9. It (занимает очень много времени) to prepare, but it looks (восхитительно).

10. The bill (был вполне приемлемым), but it didn`t include (обслуживание).

Ех. 3. What do we call places where people go to eat? Match the words in the left column with the definitions in the right column.

1. snack bar

a) a place where guests normally come fairly late and stay until the small hours. Always with dancing and often also with floor shows.

2. cafe/cafeteria

b) a nice place where meals are served to customers.

3. pizzeria

c) a place where students or workers have their lunch, usually connected with a school, office or factory.

4. buffet

d) originally a British public house licensed to serve beer and other alcoholic beverages. Customers get their drinks from the counter and either stand there or sit at the tables. Some light snacks like pies and sandwiches are served.

5. night club

e) a modest restaurant where customers collect their food on trays at counters and carry it to tables. Choice of dishes is based on convenience and speed, with food like hamburgers, sausages and sandwiches.

6. canteen

f) a restaurant specializing in pizzas, and other Italian-type food.

7. pub

g) small restaurant mainly concentrating on cakes, sandwiches, coffee and tea. Choice of food is often very limited.

8. restaurant

h) a counter where food and drink may be bought and eaten (e.g. in a railway station or on a train)

Ex. 4. What types of restaurant would you recommend to the following people?

  1. A young couple who want food and some entertainment late at night.

  2. A man who wants a meal in a place where he can meet some local people.

  3. Someone wanting a quick, cheap meal.

  4. Someone at a railway station.

  5. Someone who wants non-English food.

  6. A student staying at the university all day.

  7. A family who wants to celebrate some special occasion.

Ex. 5. Look at this menu. Everything is wrong on the menu. Write out the correct one

The Wrong Menu


1. Pineapple soup

2. Chicken juice

Main courses

1. Fish Bolognese

2. Spaghetti and pie

3. Cream and chips


1. Ice steak

2. Apple and chips

The Correct Menu


1. __________

2. __________

Main courses

1. ___________

2. ____________

3. ____________


1. ___________

2. ___________

Ex. 6. Guess the proper word by the context

1. A very popular pastime today is … in a restaurant.

2. If you want to dine at a restaurant you’d better … a table.

3. If you can’t come don’t forget to…your reservation.

4. You ask the waiter to see the …

5. First, you can have soup or a salad as a …. Then follows the main course, i.e. … . Finally you can order ….

6. When you finish eating, ask the waiter to bring you the … .

7. If you are content with the service you may give the waiter some extra money. This is called a … .

8. You can also take food away from restaurants. It may be packed into special … .

9. For many British people … is the center of their social life.

10. You can buy many kinds of … in pubs.

Menu, starter, steak or fish, dessert, eating out, reserve, cancel, tip, bill, drinks, containers, pub

Ex. 7. Match the sentences with the answers

Could I have the menu, please?

No, thank you. I wouldn’t.

Whose is the tomato soup?

Rare, medium or well done?

What would she like?

Tomato or chicken soup?

Would you like a dessert?

Sorry, it isn’t. But that one is.

Have you got any fish?

Here it is, sir.

Could we have two steaks, please?

Black or white?

Is this table free?

A rare steak for her, please.

We’d like two coffees, please?

It’s mine. Thank you.

Could we have two soups, please?

I’d like vanilla, please.

Which flavour would you like?

Sorry, fish is off the menu.

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