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XX. A) Read the text and express the author’s point of view. Do We Really Need Poetry?

The average English person considers that poetry is "nice" for children, becoming for (к лицу) girls, and appropriate for women teachers. Few people read poetry and fewer still pay for it.

The reason for disliking poetry is that most people believe poetry should deal only with certain "nice" themes and topics such as birds, flowers, trees and love.

But the fact is that life in all its forms can be the theme of poetry. The so-called ugly and ordinary things are as remarkable (замечательный) in their way as the beautiful. Modern poets have discovered this and given as many fine poems on unpoetical subjects.

Do we really need poetry or any of the arts? They may be desirable or even excellent, but are they of any practical use?

We must admit that when we wish to express some tender (нежный) emotion we turn to poetry. We may not normally like the poetry; we may know very little about it, but we recognize that it is the only way to express the best that is within us.

b) Discuss the following. Express your own opinion on the subject. Speak about your ideas on poetry in modern life. Here are some phrases

to help you.

Ways of agreement:

Ways of disagreement:

Partial agreement:

1.Poetry is "nice" for children. 2. Poetry is suitable for girls. 3. Poetry is appropriate for women teachers. 4. Few people read poetry. 5. Few people buy collections of poems. 6. Poetry should deal only with "nice" themes and topics such as birds, flowers, trees and love. 7. Life in all its forms can be the theme of poetry. 8. Ugly and ordinary things can be as remarkable in their own way as the beautiful ones. 9. Arts and music do not matter very much in our (everyday) life. 10. We always turn to poetry to express our feelings. 11. Poetry is the only way to express the best within us. 12. In the twenty-first century people do not need poetry and arts as much as they did in the last century. 13. Nobody is interested in poetry nowadays. 14. Poetry is the most popular kind of literature with young people.

XXI. Translate the poem given in Exercise XI. Learn it by heart.

I. Look at the words in the box, make sure you know all of them.

Reading habits:

To read silently/greedily/laboriously – читать про себя/запоем/с трудом, медленно

To read curled up in an armchair – читать свернувшись в кресле

To read a child/oneself to sleep – читать на ночь

To make a good bed-time reading – хорошо почитать на ночь

To be lost/absorbed in a book – поглощенный, увлеченный книгой

To devour books – читать книгу за книгой

To look through a book – просмотреть книгу

A bookworm - книжный червь, любитель книг

To read from cover to cover – прочесть от корки до корки

To enjoy – наслаждаться

To be under impression – быть под впечатлением

To make an impression on smb. – произвести впечатление на к-л.

To be fond of – увлекаться ч-л.

To be keen on – увлекаться ч-л.

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