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Учебно-методические материалы по темам “Kuzbass”, “Kemerovo”, “My Native Place”

Topical Words


I. Geographical Names

  1. Russia - Россия

  2. Siberia - Сибирь

  3. Kuzbass - Кузбасс

  4. the Kemerovo Region - Кемеровская область

    • region - область, край

  5. European - Европейский

  6. area - площадь; край, район

  7. climate - климат

II. Nature

1. Wild animals

  1. bear- медведь

  2. lynx - рысь

  3. elk - лось

  4. sable - соболь

  5. wolf- волк

  6. feather - дичь

2. Plants

cedar - кедр

pine – сосна

lime – липа

3. Natural resources

  1. natural resources - природные ресурсы

  2. iron ore - железная руда

  3. coal - уголь

  4. zinc - цинк

  5. ore - руда

  6. gold - золото

III. Industry

  1. branch - ветвь, отрасль

  2. industry - промышленность

    • light industry - легкая промышленность

    • industrial - промышленный

  3. machine-building - машиностроение; машиностроительный

  4. woodworking - деревообработка

  5. metallurgy - металлургия

  • metallurgical - металлургический

  1. timber - (строевой) лес

  2. natural deposits - месторождение

  3. ferrous/non-ferrous - железистый/цветной (о металле)

  4. electrical power generation - выработка электрической энергии

  5. chemistry - химия

  6. mine - шахта

  • mining - добыча угля

  • miner - шахтер

  • coal-mining - угледобывающий

  1. prosperity - преуспевание

  2. to establish -создавать

  3. developed - развитый

  • highly ~ высокоразвитый

  1. to produce - производить

IV. Population

  1. citizen - гражданин

  2. tribe - племя

  3. inhabitant - житель, обитатель

    • to inhabit - населять


The Kemerovo region was founded on the 26th of January 1943. It is located in the south-eastern part of West Siberia. It borders on the Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions and the Altai and Krasnoyarsk territory. The population of the region is more than 3 mln. people. The area equals to 95.5 thousand square km. the other name of the region is Kuzbass, that is the Kuznetsk coal mining basin.

By the time the Russians came to Siberia (the beginning of the 17th century) the territory was inhabited by native tribes that lived on the banks of the river Tom and its tributaries. They were engaged in fishing, hunting and making metal articles: kettles, axes, and arrowheads. Now the native population bears the name of Shors. They are not numerous and inhabit the mountainous districts of the southern part of the region. They managed to survive their traditions, culture, and language though they have no alphabet. At the beginning of the 18th century the iron ore and coal were found here.

The opening of the natural deposits is connected with the name of Mikhailo Volkov.

Later on it was found out that this Siberian region was rich in non-ferrous metals and gold. Kuzbass is rich in fertile lands, forests, rivers and lakes, fur and feather.

Now Kuzbass is the largest industrial complex of Russia. Many branches of modem industry and technology are well developed here. They are first and foremost coal mining, metallurgy, electrical power generation, chemistry, machine building, woodworking, timber-industry, food and light industries.

Kuzbass has nearly 20 big towns and more than 45 settlements. The biggest cities are Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk.

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