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My home is my castle.doc
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English Tea

It will probably surprise you to learn that when the mistress ... the house ... England offers ... her visitors a cup ... tea, she sometimes asks: "Russian or English tea?" ..."Russian tea" the English mean tea ... a slice ... lemon ... it. "English tea" means very strong tea ... milk ... it. Tea-drinking is quite a tradition with the English. Tea is served ... almost every house ... ... the same time ... 5 o’clock ... the afternoon. ... the table the tea-cups and saucers with tea-spoons are laid. The milk-pot and the sugar-basin are also ... the table. There are small plates ... bread and butter or bread and jam, or biscuits. Tea is ready. The hostess pours the tea ... the cups.

        • Do you take milk?

        • Yes, please.

        • How many lumps ... sugar?

        • No sugar, thank you, — or

        • Two lumps, please.

        • Help yourself ... some bread and jam, — or

        • Have some toast and honey. But one cup ... tea is not enough.

        • Would you like another cup?

        • Yes, please, — or

        • Half a cup, thank you. But if you have had enough you answer: "No more, thank you."

Ex. 1. Now some recipes from "A Taste of England" an English Tourist Board cookery book.

lb – written abbreviation of pound

pt – written abbreviation of pint

oz – the written abbreviation of ounce

Irish Stew (enough for4people)

1 lb (0.45 kg) lamb

1½ lb (0.68 kg) potatoes

½ lb (0.23 kg) onions

1 pint (0.28 litres) water

salt and pepper

1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley.

Cut the meat up into fairly small pieces, removing the fat. Slice the onions. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thick slices. Put the meal and vegetables into a saucepan in layers, finishing with a layer of potatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Add water. Bring to the boil, then cover and simmer gently for about two hours. To serve, pile the meat and onions in the centre of the dish, with the potatoes round the edge, and pour the sauce over the meat. Sprinkle the parsley over the potatoes.

Shepherd’s Pie (6 portions)

1 lb (0.45kg) minced beef

1 tablespoon oil

1 small finely chopped onion

salt and pepper

¼ oz(7g)flour

1 lb (0.45 kg) mashed potatoes

1 pt (142 ml) brown stock

1 teaspoon chopped parsley

Oven: 180°C 45 minutes.

Heat the oil and fry the onion and meat until brown. If using leftover beef do not fry this. Stir in the flour and stock. Add the parsley, salt and pepper to taste. Blend in the left-over beef. Put this mixture in an ovenproof dish and pipe the mashed potato over the top. Bake in the oven for about 45 minutes or until the top is golden brown.

Bread and Butter Pudding

(6-8 portions)

Dating from the early 18th century this is also known as Nursery Pudding or New Market Pudding.

4 eggs

1 ½ pt (840 ml) warm milk

2 oz (57 g) sugar

4 slices white bread

½ oz (14g) butter

½ oz (14g) currants

½ oz (14g) sultanas

grated rind of 1 lemon

grated nutmeg or cinnamon

2 tablespoons brandy

1 tablespoon rose water or 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional)

½ oz (14g) chopped mixed peel

Oven: 150°C 45 minutes

Heat the milk with the lemon rind and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Beat the eggs with the sugar and brandy; pour over the strained milk and mix well. Butter the bread, remove crusts and cut into triangles. Place half the mixed currants, sultanas and peel in the base of a greased pie dish. Arrange half the bread on top and sprinkle with the remaining fruit. Strain half the custard over the bread and leave to soak for 5 minutes. Place the remaining bread on top and strain over the rest of the custard. Dust with grated nutmeg or cin­namon and bake in a roasting tin with hot water for 45 minutes. Serve with cream.

Ex. 2. Read and translate these recipes. Say what ingredients you would need for cooking the dishes.

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