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My home is my castle.doc
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Ten things to help you live longer


Drink as much water as you can.


Protect your eyes from the sun: Wear sunglasses or a hat.


Take the stairs instead of the lift whenever possible.


Don’t eat junk food and fast food.


Stop smoking now!


Eat fruit or vegetables three times a day.


Walk more and drive less.


Don’t fry food. Grill or steam your food instead.


Always wear sunscreen. Use sunscreen marked SPF 15 or SPF 30, even in the winter.


Visit your doctor for a check–up every year.

XXII. A) Some people claim that the cause of all our problems with health is stress. What is stress? What causes it? What are the ways to reduce it?

b) Read and listen to someone giving advice on how to reduce stress. Say where you might hear this dialogue. How do the speakers sound? Why? (V. Evans, J. Dooley. Upstream. Intermediate. Teacher’s Book. – Express Publishing, 2002, p.78, ex.35.)

A: Do sit down. Now, what seems to be the trouble?

B: Well, I’m just feeling very stressed. It’s becoming a bit of a problem


A: How do you mean?

B: Well, it’s affecting my whole life, and I don’t seem to have a social

life anymore. I just worry all the time and I can’t seem to relax.

A: I see. What do you think is causing this stress?

B: Well, I suppose it’s my job, mainly. I’ve had to do a lot of overtime

recently. My boss keeps giving me impossible deadlines to meet

and I’m scared that he’ll give me the sack if I don’t get everything

done on time.

A: Hmm. That’s not good. Have you considered changing your job?

B: Oh, yes! I think about it all the time! The trouble is, there’s just

nothing available right now, and I really do need the job.

A: Well, in that case, perhaps you should talk to your boss and ask to

cut down on the hours you work.

B: Oh, I don’t think he would like that at all. Isn’t there anything else

you can suggest?

A: Well. If you really want to beat stress, the best thing you can do is

make more time for yourself. You need to make sure you use that

time to do something just for you, to help you relax, and put your

problems aside.

B: I see. Well, it’s true I don’t have much free time at the moment.

When I’m not at work I have to take care of my two children.

A: Why don’t you consider child minding or day care for your

children. That might be the answer to your problem.

B: I suppose I could do something like that. But the thing is, I really

need a cure now. Aren’t there any pills you can give me?

A: Of course, there are pills to help people deal with stress, but taking

medicine is not the best solution. My advice to you would be to try

to take things easier for a while. Cut down on the overtime, put

your children in day care. Oh, and try to find time to relax.

B: I’ll try that and see how I go. Well, thank you for your advice.

A: No problem. I hope things start to get easier for you.

c) Say whether the statements are true or false.

  1. The woman is suffering from stress.

  2. She often goes out with her friends.

  3. She thinks her work is causing her stress.

  4. The man suggests that she find another job.

  5. The woman can work fewer hours.

  6. The man suggests she take some medicine.

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