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My home is my castle.doc
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VII. A) Complete the questionnaire.

How Long Could You Live?

What is your life expectancy? A lot depends on luck – whether you have an accident and who your grandparents are. But you can also control some things in your lifestyle. So how long could you live? This questionnaire is based on life insurance tests.

Write your answers in the spaces.

  1. Are male or female?

  2. How old are you?

  3. Do you live in an urban area with a population of more than 2 million people?

  4. Do you live in a rural area with less than 10,000 inhabitants?

  5. Do you live alone?

  6. Do you live with a partner (husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend)?

  7. Do you or will you have a university degree?

  8. Do you or will you have a postgraduate degree?

  9. Do you or will you have a sedentary job?

  10. How often do you jog, swim, play a sport or take similar exercise?

  11. Do you usually sleep for more than 10 hours a day?

  12. Are you happy?

  13. Are you generally relaxed or do you lose your temper easily?

  14. How many cigarettes (if any) do you smoke a day?

  15. How much alcohol (if any) do you drink a day?

  16. Are you overweight? If so, by how much?

  17. How old are your grandparents, or how old were they when they died?

  18. Does anyone in your family suffer from heart disease?

Total life expectancy:

b) You will hear how to calculate your life expectancy. Listen and write down what you must add or subtract in the boxes on the right-hand side. (T. Hutchinson. Lifelines. Pre-Intermediate. Student’s book. Oxford University Press, p.71, ex.2.)

Example: add 4 +4, subtract 3 -3.

c) Calculate you life expectancy.

d) Discuss these questions with other members of the class.

1. Do you agree with the calculations?

2. What aspects of your lifestyle put you at risk?

3. What can you do to reduce the risks?

4. Do you want to keep your lifestyle even if it increases the risks?

Use these expressions:

According to the tape …

The tape says that …

I (don’t) agree with this, because …

I think that … is (not) good for me.

I will increase my life expectancy if I …

  • Stop smoking

  • Lose weight

  • Move to the country

  • Take more exercise

  • Drink less

  • Try to be more relaxed

  • Ger married

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