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My home is my castle.doc
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XXIV. Make sure you know the names of these medical specialists.

XXV. What organs do the specialists treat? Match the name of the doctor with the area in which he specializes.

1. pediatrician

2. gynecologist

3. neurologist

4. urologist

5. dentist

6. veterinarian

7. anesthesiologist

8. general practitioner (GP)

9. internist

10. orthopedic

11. plastic surgeon

12. ophthalmologist

13. radiologist

14. cardiologist

a) a doctor who treats problems related to the nerves;

b) a doctor who cares for teeth;

c) a doctor who treats children only;

d) a doctor who treats eye problems;

e) a doctor who treats animals only;

f) a doctor who treats urinary-tract problems;

g) a doctor who treats the entire family and who does not specialize in only one area;

h) a doctor who specializes in internal medicine;

i) a doctor who performs cosmetic surgery;

j) a doctor who treats women’s problems;

k) a doctor who puts patient to sleep prior to surgery;

l) a doctor who treats bone problems;

m) a physician who treats the heart diseases;

n) a medical adviser who makes X-ray examinations and describes X-ray films.

XXVI. Read the dialogues and act one out.


Nell: Hello, is that you Bert? Nell here. I’m so glad I’ve found you in.

Bert: Hello, Nell. How’s things?

N.: Fine. Listen, Bert. I’m bursting with news. Just imag­ine: yesterday

I had the first real patient of my own.

B.: You don’t say! Who was it?

N.: A nice old dear with a lot of teeth to be pulled out. It’s such

wonderful practice for me!

B.: Are you quite sure that some of his teeth couldn’t be filled?

N.: None of them! I sent him to have his teeth X-rayed, so it’s all right.

B.: How did you manage to get such a marvellous pa­tient, I wonder?

N.: He came with a bad toothache. It had been bothering him for a day

or two already.

B.: Were there no other dentists in the surgery?

N.: No, I was the only one. It was Sunday.

B.: Poor old thing! I hope you didn’t try to pull out all his teeth at once,

did you?

N.: Don’t be silly. I just chose the easiest one to begin with.

B.: I see... And how did you get along?

N.: Wonderfully. I tested his blood pressure and gave him a couple of

injections, though he said that my smile worked better than any


B.: Oh, he did, did he? And he didn’t have heart attack after the tooth

was taken out? It would have been natural for an old man.

N.: No, he just felt a bit sick and giddy. I gave him a tonic and told him to stay in bed for a while and take his temperature.

B.: Perhaps I’d better drop in and check his heart? I’m on sick leave

now and can do it at any time.

N.: You needn’t. I’ll ring him up and in case he’s running a high

temperature I’ll let you know. But I do hope he won’t. The day

after tomorrow he’s coming again.

B.: Are you sure he’s not going to make an appointment with some

other dentist?

N.: I don’t think he will. When he was leaving he said he looked

forward to having all his teeth pulled out and he would keep them

all as souvenirs to remember me by.

B.: Well, I wish you good luck. Hope to hear from you soon. Bye for

now, Nell.

N.: Good-bye, Bert. I’ll let you know how things are going on.


- Here is my prescription. Could you make it up for me, please?

- OK, I’ll do it for you straight away. It’ll only take you some minutes.

(I’ll have it ready for you by 5.30.)

- Thank you. How often should I take it?

- The doctor said you should take two tablets, three times a day after

meals. It’s written on the bottle.

- How long should I take them?

- Until you feel better - three or four days perhaps.

- Thanks a lot. By the way, what do you suggest for sunburn?

- This ointment should clear up the trouble. Rub in every four hours.

b) Find in the texts English equivalents for the Russian words and expressions.

1. Как поживаешь, запломбировать зуб, выдернуть/удалить зуб, ужасная зубная боль, беспокоить, сердечный приступ, сделать укол, чувствовать головокружение, измерить температуру, соблюдать постельный режим, быть на больничном, иметь высокую температуру, назначить встречу/прием.

2. Вот мой рецепт, сколько раз мне его принимать, пока не почувствуете улучшения, что вы посоветуете от ожога, втирать.

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