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My home is my castle.doc
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I. Divide the list of words into three groups: words connected with camping holiday, seaside holiday and sightseeing holiday











Sleeping bag




To pick up berries

To buy souvenirs

To visit art galleries

To swim

To go for a walk

To take pictures

To lie in the sun

To sing to the guitar

To dive

II. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

To go hiking, to go fishing, holidays, tents, river, to stay indoors, to gather mushrooms, to swim, to walk, to lie in the sun, to sing to the guitar, forests, to pick up

I like to spend my … at my grandparents’. There is a … not far from the house. I like to … in it and … . I sometimes … and catch some small fish. There are … on both banks of the river where I like to … and … . I like to … wild strawberries too. When the day is rainy I … and watch TV. Sometimes I together with my friends … . We usually leave on Saturday afternoon and return on Sunday evening. At night we sit by the fire, talk and … . We spend the night in the … and next morning walk on.

Role play

Form a group of four. You want to go on holiday together but have different ideas. Try to come to an agreement and then discuss what you will/shoud do to have an enjoyable and worry-free holiday.

Student A

Student B

You want to go on a seaside holiday abroad. You are mainly interested in relaxing in the sun because you need a rest after a very busy year.

You want to go on an adventure holiday, walking and camping in mountains in your own country. You think this would be a cheap and healthy holiday.

Student C

Student D

You want to relax, but you also want to do some sightseeing. You are interested in museums and old buildings.

Last year you went on a package holiday and spent two weeks on the beach. You want something different this year.

Making Suggestions


Why don’t we (do smth)?

Why not … (do smth)?

How about … (smth, doing smth)?

What about … (smth, doing smth)?


I think we should

We might/could ….

That’s a good/great/excellent idea.

What a good idea!

Good! Wonderful! Excellent! Splendid!

Yes, let’s do that.

I don’t really feel like it/doing it/going there (just now).

It’s a nice idea, but …

You’ll never catch me doing it.

I don’t (really) like it.

Why don’t we … instead?

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