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Laboratory Exercises

10. Listen and practise the pronunciation of the following


electricity, recognize, physicist, accuracy, cloth, compare, metric, instance, voltage, general, magnetic, length, agree, pedagogical.

11. Listen and repeat in pauses:

Every trained physicist must be able to measure accurate­ly distances, volumes, masses, time and temperature. Tc make any measurement we need some fixed quantity called a unit. Every physical quantity has its own unit of meas­urement. The litre is the unit of volume, the ton is the unit of weight, while the metre is the unit of length. To measure the size of anything means to compare it with the unit of length — the metre.

12. Listen to these questions on the above text and answer them:

1. What must a trained physicist be able to measure ac­curately? 2. What do you need to make any measurement? 3. What is the metre? 4. What is the ton? 5. What is the litre?

13. Ask questions using the model:

Model: The length of a table is measured by cormparing it with a metre.

How is the length of a table measured?

1. The milk is measured by the litre. 2. The coal is meas­ured by the ton. 3. The cloth is measured by the metre.

14. Listen to this dialogue and learn it by heart:

—- Now, Nick, let us have a talk about measurement. What do you need to make any measurement?

— I need some fixed quantity called a unit.

--That's all right. You are familiar with the idea that measurement requires a system of units, aren't you?

......Certainly, I am. Every physical quantity has its own

unit of measurement.

-- You are quite right. What units of volume do уоu know?

_ Oh, it depends on the system. In the M.K.S. system


the unit is the cubic metre, though the litre and the milli litre are widely used. Do you know the volume of 1 litre? --- Yes, I do. 1 litre is the volume of exact1y 1 kilo­gramme of water, measured at a temperature of 4 0 Сеlsius.

15. Say this in English:

1. Физика изучает теплоту, звук, свет и свойства мате-рии. 2. Каждая физическая величина имеет свою единицу измерения. 3. Жидкость измеряется литром. 4. Вес изме­ряется килограммом, длина измеряется метром. 5. Мы го­ворим, что литр — это единица объема, метр---единица длины и тонна — единица веса.

16. Suggested topics for oral narration:

1. What are quantities of fundamental significance? Why must we consider the units of these quantities first?

2. What is M.K.S. system? Describe the main units of this system.

Additional Material

Read the text and note the important details:

1. Guess the meaning of these words:

graduated, cubic, system, maximum, practical, deci­metres, laboratory, cylinder, flask, pipette, divisions.

  1. Answer the questions below about details of the text:

a) What does the choice of measuring vessels depend on? b) What is the unit of volume for all scientific purposes? c) What measuring vessels are used in the laboratories?