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1 курс.Самойленко_Пособие по англ яз.doc
7.14 Mб

1. Have supported, has altered....

have been supported, has been altered....

I have changed my opinion of this person. They have supported their friend's proposition. We have seen him in the theatre. The invention has been supported by many experiments.

2. Energy can be converted...

Electrical energy can be converted into heat energy. This material can be prepared by him.


1. Listen, read and translate the text.

2. Answer the following questions in a written form:

1. What did Einstein put forward? 2. How has Einstein simplified our picture of the universe? 3. What does the first law state? 4. What does the second law affirm? 5. What laws have become fused into one?


3. Make up and write 8 sentences using the words given in the table:




One type of energy

This point of view Lomonosov's di­scovery

Any form of energy

Newton's law of gravitation Electrical energy

can has

be transformed

be converted

been transformed been supported

into electrical energy. into mechanical energy. into steam.

into water.

by a number of experiments.

by many other scientists.

into another.

4. Translate the following sentences and explain the use of tenses in them:

1. Whenever work is done, energy of some other form is used up. 2. If too much fuel is supplied to the engine, more kinetic energy will be produced than is being used up, and the car will go faster. 3. If the car is slowed down by ap­plication of the brakes, the linings of these bring very large forces of friction into play and kinetic energy is destroyed in overcoming these forces and liberated as heat. 4. The electrical energy is converted into heat and light. 5. The loudspeaker is made to vibrate and energy in the form of sound results.

5. Make up all possible questions to these sentences:

1. The rate at which machines can work is called their power rating and is usually given in horsepower or watts. 2. Large machines may have ratings of several thousands of horsepower. 3. The forces of nature are capable of working at tremendous rates for very short intervals of time.

6. Copy 9 sentences, 3 for each pattern:

1. Electrical energy has been converted into ... . 2. We have seen a number


of cases where ... energy has been transformed into another. 3. ... was put forward last century.

7. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations.

закон сохранения материи, теория относительности, в начале этого столетия, наше представление о вселенном, ряд экспериментов, основные законы, формы энергии, единицы измерения энергии, превращение энергии, выдви­нуть теорию, находиться в другой форме, слиться в один закон, создать теорию.

8. Make up and write 8 questions using the words given in the table:





did do




Lomonosov Einstein

different phe­nomena

the first law

the second law

laws I

put forward

take place

become fused


the molecular theory of heat.

the theory of relativity.

9. Copy these sentences putting "amount", "put forward", "has altered", "states", "energy", "constant'' in the blanks:

I. The Law of Conservation of Energy ... that the total ... of energy in the universe is ...; and if any ... disappears in one form, it reappears in another without loss. 2. Einstein ... the theory of relativity. 3. It ... our ideas regarding mass and energy.