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1 курс.Самойленко_Пособие по англ яз.doc
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Text. Transmission of heat

Heat can be transmitted by conduction, metals being the best conductors; convection, which is taking place only in liquids and gases; and radiation.

What is conduction? When one end of an iron rod is held in a flame, the other end of the rod will soon be too hot to be held comfortable. In some way, the heat is conduct­ed, or led, from оде end of each solid to the other end. The molecules of the rod which are adjacent to the flame receive some of this heat energy, which they transmit along the rod to other molecules. .Such transmission of heat from molecule to molecule is called conduction. Metals, generally are much better conductors of heat than wood or stone.

What is convection? When a portion of water near the bottom of a vessel is heated, it expands and becomes less dense. The denser water from the opposite side of the vessel. flows across and pushes up this less dense water thus setting up convection currents: Convection currents may be set up. in either liquids or gases by unequal heating. By means of such currents heat is transmitted by the movement of the heated masses.

What is radiation? Radiant heat is the name given to heat in the form of rays. A hand held in front of a fireplace is quickly warmed by radiation. We receive heat from the sun the same way. This heat radiation is probably due to the internal motion of the atoms and molecules of the heat-producing body, and travels through space as a wave. Heat radiation is one of several types of wave motion studied in physics, called electromagnetic waves.

Heat radiation is not heat itself, but the absorption of heat radiation produces heat in the absorbing medium. Thus: 1) Radiation can travel


through a vacuum. 2) Radiant heat warms only objects on which it falls and which absorb it; it does not heat the "medium" through which it passes.

Listen and read words and word combinations to be remem­bered: transmit

Transmit [trænz'mit] передавать dense [dens] плотный

conduction [kan'dAkJn] проводимость ray [rei] луч

convection [kan'vekjn] конвекция absorb [ab'so:b] поглощать

radiation [,reidi'eijn] paдиация absorption [ab'so:pjn] no-

rod [rod] стержень глощение

medium ['mi:diem] среда adjacent [a'djeisant] приле- wave [weiv] волна гающий

in some way каким-то путем

convection current конвекционный поток

radiant heat лучистая теплота

heat-producing body тело, производящее тепло

heat radiation теплоизлучение

wave motion волновое движение


1. but, though

It is raining, but he will go out. Though it is raining, he will go out. Heat radiation is not heat itself, but the absorption of heat radiation produces heat in the absorbing medium. Though heat radiation is not heat itself, the absorp­tion of heat radiation produces heat in the absorbing me­dium.

2. either ... or

The students work either inside or outside the laborato­ry. Convection currents may be set up in either liquids or gases by unequal heating.

3. too, too much, too many

The bread is too hard to eat. The rod is too hot to be held. The distance is too big to be measured by a ruler. There is too much work for us to finish it today. There are too many problems for us to solve today.


4. Convection currents may be set up by unequal heating

It was done by working hard. Knowledge may be acquired by studying. The problem has been solved by com putting.