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Text. Mass and weight

By the mass of a body we mean the quantify of matte, it contains. The unit of mass is the lump of platinum kept at Paris together with standard metre already mentioned It is called the Standard Kilogramme.

By the weight of a body we mean the pull with which the earth attracts it. The weight of a body varies slightlly according to where it happens to be on the earth's surface, but the mass remains constant wherever the body may be.

The Common (Chemical) Balance. Since weight is pro portional to mass we are able to measure the mass of a body by comparing the earth's pull on it with the earth's pull on a standard mass. For this purpose we use a balance and a box of "weights", which is really a box of "masses".

Balances used in laboratories differ from those used in shops in that they are more sensitive. This means that they respond to much smaller changes of weight in the pans.

The Process of Weighing. The object to be weighed is placed in


32 Fig. 2. The common (chemical) balancе.

the left-hand pan, and standard masses in the other. The beam is raised and, if necessary one pan is gently fanned with the hand to set it swinging.'The weights (standard masses) are adjusted until the pointer swings equal numbers of divisions on either side of the zero. The masses in the two pans will then be equal.

The main parts common to most balances are shown in Fig. 2.


1a box of "weights" — разновески

2 to set it swinging — заставить ее раскачиваться

Listen and read words and word combinations to be remembered:

keep [ki:p] сохранять balance ['belans] весы

mention [menjn] упоминать sensitive ['sensitiv] чувствительный

weight [weit] вес respond [ris'pond] реагировать

pull [pul ] тянущая сила surface ['so:fis] поверхность

attract [a'traekt] притягивать beam [bi:m] рычаг

swing [swing] раскачивать adjust. [a'djAst] совпадать

according to согласно, в соответствии с

the right-hand pan правая чашка весов

the left-hand pan левая чашка весов


1. a student's, a girl's; students', girls ... .

a unit of length, the length of a table, the units of vol­ume... .

Singular Plural

the student's box of the students' boxes of

"weights" "weights"

the earth's atmosphere scientists' discoveries

the system of measurement the systems of measurements

his collection of books their collections of books

2. ...er, ...est a small, a smaller, the smallest ... .

a long bar a big lump

a longer bar , a bigger lump

the longest bar the biggest lump


3. Much, more, the most; little, less, the least; good, bet ter,

the best.