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2. Explain or paraphrase.

1. ... the day when the lid's off. 2. For a minute every­thing else blanked out ... 3. Year Day gives me ideas like that. Anything goes. 4. On Year Day the pace doubles. 5. Every­body off work ... 6. Maybe he's a filmstrip composite. 7. ... the blare and roar of Manhattan hit me. 8. Total demand's away down to whatever it is today, and production's probab­ly dropped since yesterday. 9. We've got to take in each oth­er's washing to keep going. 10. ... I sank a lot on advertis­ing protection insurance. 11. ... superadvertising planned by the best psychologists on earth, twisting everybody's arm to squeeze out of them their last cent ... 12. The commer­cials work on emotion. 13. I felt better. That much was out of my system. 14. ... the unrealities blazed and shuuted, out­doing each other in promises of fame and fortune for every­body. 15. Finally I put an Investigatory Bureau on the job. 16. We create an optimum adaptation for happiness. 17. It was colorless and without character, like a clean but second-rate hotel. 18. One fee covers every possible requirement for the client. 19. Even when I closed my eyes, his after-image burned against my closed lids.

3. Say what is meant by

beamed commercials; high-speed lanes; a spending mood;

a caressing voice; pitch dark; cash sales; an insurance premi­um; dead silence; basic drives; a medium of communication;

artificial needs; a curious look; a boiling pot of trouble; ar­able land; a self-sustaining part-hydroponic unit; an urban center; adjustment; production-line furniture; facilities; a sense of lost realities

4. Express the following in neutral style.

1. "This is going to be a tough conversation to start," I said. 2. "Nothing's that easy." 3. "And, by God, you'd bet­ter have money! There just isn't enough to go around that's all. " 4. ... there wasn't enough dough ... 5. "The damned stuff can't get in." 6. "It's only when you're a kid that it's

really bad." 7. "It's that damned conditioning," I said. "Drummed into your head as soon as you're old enough to know what words mean." 8. I got to see one of the top agents ... 9. ...but then he got a speculative look in his eye and decided to give me a salesman pitch first.

5. Find in the text the English for

ветровое стекло; протянуть руку; взять себя в руки;

бросаться в погоню за развлечениями; монтаж из кинокад­ров; в кромешной тьме; почувствовать страх; развод; стра­ховка от рекламы; ревновать к кому-либо; получить сполна;

спрос на товары; производство; купить акции; проникать сквозь стены; защитное устройство; страховая премия;

мир купли и продажи; звуковой барьер; уязвимая точка' плод воображения; строить планы; пахотная земля; чуть не сойти с ума; извиниться; набрать номер (телефона);

снять с банковского счета; сбережения; витражи; разрешить все проблемы; второразрядная гостиница; огнестойкий;

выписать чек; срок аренды; в пределах досягаемости; соз­нание утраченной реальности; настоящий, живой человек;

природная сопротивляемость; подсчитать в уме; заткнуть уши