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1. Answer the following questions

1. Why did the great galleon become an object of spe­cial interest to the Duchess of Dulverton? 2. How did she happen to learn about the treasure? 3. What made her believe that she had an almost hereditary right to the treasure or the galleon? 4. What was the Duchess's plan? 5. Who was chosen to carry out her plan? 6. What made her think that Vasco Honiton, her nephew, was better suited for the pur­pose than anybody else? 7. Where did Vasco go to practise and experiment with the equipment? 8. How were his ef­forts rewarded? 9. How did the Duchess take the news of his discovery? 10. Why could Vasco now afford a villa in Florence and an expensive hobby? 11. Why did he propose to call the villa the Sub-Rosa?


2. Paraphrase or explain.

1. Some were as generous in their estimate as an income-tax assessor, others applied a species of higher criticism to the submerged chests, and debased their contents to the currency of goblin gold. 2. ... she nursed the hope of being one day rich at her own computation. 3. The name Vasco had been given him possibly in the hope that he might live up to his adventurous tradition, but he limited himself strictly to the home industry of adventurer, preferring to exploit the assur­ed rather than explore the unknown. 4. Where money was in question Vasco's conscience was liable to fits of obstinate silence. 5. ... she lent the house lavishly ... 6. "Unfortunate, perhaps, but not poor," corrected Vasco ... 7. "...I haven't troubled to include any one whose financial standing isn't above question."

3. Say what is meant by

high seas; according to tradition and report; deep-sea researches; an electric suction dredge; the more accessible levels of the ocean-bed; alleged treasures; home industry;

an unpromising situation; a safeguard; obstinate silence; a sunken wreck; a case of suicide; a water-tight strong-box;

indecent haste; thinking faculties; lack of conviction; compro­mising papers; to put out of harm's way; disclosures; a snap­pish answer

4. Express the following more simply.

where the fortune of war and weather had long ensconced it; a species of higher criticism; through the instrumentality of this relative; among other ties and encumbrances, Lulu possessed a nephew; she bethought herself of his eminent suit-ability; as to what might be perpetrated in the name of may­onnaise; in the realm of

6. Find in the text the English for

выйти в море; боевая эскадра; согласно старинным ле­гендам и преданиям; разойтись во мнениях; затонувшее сокровище; подводные изыскания; предметы, представляю­щие материальную ценность; извлекать на поверхность;

приобрести права на изобретение; лелеять надежду; в те-


чение трех столетий; оказаться достойным чего-либо; необ­ходимые предосторожности; надзор; упорное молчание;

испытывать оборудование; сообщить о положении дел; за­тонувшая моторная лодка; случай самоубийства; рундук;

водонепроницаемый сейф; выдержать паузу; внутренний карман пиджака; сложенный лист бумаги; оказаться заме­шанным в скандальную историю; опубликовать; поместить в начале списка; в алфавитном порядке; прийти в себя;

утратить способность мыслить; компрометирующие доку­менты; убрать от греха подальше; просочиться (о сведени­ях); финансовое положение; не вызывать сомнений; охрип­шим голосом