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lflfl1. The Runic and Latin Alphabets

The Runic Alphabeteach letter of runic alphabet was called a rune. The word "rune" meant "mystery” . There were about 26 letters in the alphabet. The Runic alphabet was composed by Germanic scribes in the II - III centuries AD. The letters were not written but carved on those hard materials. We do not know where and when runes were invented.

The Latin AlphabetThe Latin alphabet was used by the majority of the people who could read and write. It ousted the Runic alphabet. But the Latin alphabet could not denote all the sounds in the English language.A combination of the Latin alphabet with runes and some other innovations is called "insular writing".

2. Articulatory and Physiological Classification of English Vowels.

I According to the position of the lips vowels are classified into:

a) rounded b) unrounded.

The E. rounded vowels are: <u>, <u:>, < o; o:>. The general pattern is that the front and open vowels are articulated with spread to neutral lip-position while back vowels have rounded lips.

II According to the position of the tongue. It can move forward and backward, it may be raised and low in the mouth cavity. Rus. scientists divide V. according to the

a) horizontal movements of the tongue.

b) vertical movements of the tongue.

a) When the bulk of the tongue moves backwards and the back part of the tongue is raised highest towards the hard palate, front V. are produced.

They are subdivided into:

- fully front –[i:,e]

-front retracted втягивать [i]

b)According to the vertical movements of the tongue v. are subd-ed into:

high [I:, I, u:, u]

mid-open or half-open: [e, ə:, e(u), ə(a), ə]

low-open: [Λ, эе, a(i), a(u), a:, о:, o(i)]

Each of the subclasses is subdiv. into V. of narrow variation, and v. of broad var-on:

- high narrow variation [i:],[u:]

-high broad variation [i], [u]

- mid narrow variation [e, ə:, e(u)]

- mid broad variation [eə, o: ə]

- law narrow var [Λ, o(i)]

-law broad variation [a:, o, эе, a(i), a(u)]

2.Being in the Househusband

The extract I’m going to analize is from the text ‘’ Being in the Househusband’’ written by Hank Groves.

The extract is about a man, who bought her wife a present – a subscription to the women’s lip magazine ‘’Spare Rib’’ after their first child was born. She had read this magazine and decided to be a breadwinner. His wife back to work when the baby was fifteen month old. Her husband become a househusband. Finally he understood how it difficult to be a housewife. The main idea of the story is: don’t think that to be woman and housewife is easy.

The story is colored by SD:

- Repetitions and synonyms (noise, make a baby, telephone, baby woke up, doorbell) create the atmosphere of running about and panic of the man character.

- The words of low style (I thought I told you to go to hell) point out the exasperation of the main character.

- During the story the author represent to us one of the actual problems of life.

By the way of conclusion I’d like to say that this story is very actual nowadays. I don’t think that this story is very sad, because it’s became normal for people.

1.The Beard

The text I’m going to look at is ‘’The Beard’’ written by Clark. This text is about two men: a young men who had a big beard and a story taller. The first man didn’t want to be shy that’s why he decided to make other people shy of him. So he grew the beard. But the story teller was shocked how this man ate in the dinning car.

I think the main idea of this text is psychology is a great thing. Everybody can change their life using psychology.

SD: inversion(as I was about to seat myself\ to showing the collogued style of speech)

Metaphor (I could feel his eyes)to describe the feelings of the story teller. Alliteration (big, bush, beard)repetitions.

I think this text is very funny and interesting.

3.Word as a Unit of Speech. Semantic and Morphological Structure of a Word. Word – the basic unit of language, directly corresponds to the object of thought (referent) – which is a generalized reverberation of a certain 'slice', 'piece' of objective reality – and by immediately referring to it names the thing meant. Typology of words:Morphologically we distinguish between monomorphemic and polymorphemic Semantically:- monosemantic (having only one lexical meaning and denoting, accordingly, one concept)- polysemantic ( words having several meanings, i.e. w. having several meanings, thus denoting a whole set of related concepts grouped according to the national peculiarities of a given language).Syntactically: - categorematic w. (notional w., lexical w., content w.) and syncategorematic w. (form-w., structural, grammatical, syntactic, functional)Stylistically: neutral w.; elevated (bookish) w.; colloquial w. (q.v.); substandard w.Etymologically: native w. – q.v.; borrowed w.– q.v.; hybrids – q.v.; international w. (interonyms) – q.v.; dictionary and other.

4. The Noun.

The noun is the main nominative part of speech, effecting nomination of the fullest value within the framework of the notional division of the lexicon.

The most characteristic substantive function of the noun is that of the subject in the sentences, since the referent of subject is the person or thing immediately named.

The most general and rigorously delimited subclasses of nouns are groped into four oppositional pair.

The first differentiates proper and common nouns.

The second differentiates animate and inanimate nouns

The third differentiates human and non- human noun

The fourth differentiates countable and uncountable nouns

Noun: Gender. The category of gender in English is meaningful because it reflects the actual features of the named objects. But the semantic nature of the category does not in the least make it into “ non-grammatical”

Noun: Number. The category of number is expressed by the opposition of plural form of the noun to the singular form of the noun. The strong member of the binary opposition is the plural, its productive formal mark being the suffix-(e)s The two subclass of uncountable nouns are usually referred to, as only singular and only plural.

Noun: Case. This category is expressed in the English by the opposition of the form in -‘s [ -z, -s, - iz], usually called the “ possessive” case, or more traditionally, the “ genitive” case, to the unfeatured form of the noun, usually called the “common” case. the boy’s ball

4.The Verger.

I want to tell you a few words about story “The Verger” written by S. Maugham. The story is about Edward Forman who was the verger. He has been verger for a long time and he liked his job because he couldn’t neither read nor write. But one day he was discharge. He should open a little shop УTobacco and SweetsФ. In the course of 10 years he acquired no less than a lot of money. One morning the bank manager said that he wanted to talk him about EdwardТs money. ItТs a large sum and he should invest it. He has to do is to read and to sign the papers. If he been able to read and write, he would be verger of church.

The main idea of this story is “It is strange how things come to you”.

The writer uses rather many different SD.

I found some SD, for example: repetition (more and more) shows us EdwardТs emotional experience; alliteration (he, had, heavy, heart, himself) shows us EdwardТs feelings after discharge; metaphor (heavy heart) shows us EdwardТs feelings after discharge; (an idea struck him)

A red-face energetic man Ц these words about the vicar.

I like this story because it is good. All of this situation it is very amusing.

3.Lost in the Post.

The text I am going to analyse is headlined ‘’Lost in the Post’’ written by Philips.

Ainsley is a post-office sorter. He loves his wife and he is very jealous. He doesn’t like his wife’s cousin and he doesn’t won’t her to read his letters. Because of that he loses his job and his money. But his wife cleverer and in the end shows to him that nothing has happened.

SD: litotes-no man ever had less reason for jealousy than Ainsley. We know, that it couldn’t be true, but the author uses litotes to show Ainsley’s feelings. He wants us to believe that there wasn’t a man who had less reasons for jealousy than the main character

Similar-his wife was frank as the day – to show us how perfect Adela was.

Retardation-Adela got up…by the hand – to stir up the reader’s interest.

The main idea of this text is: don’t take other people’s letters/

Short consise sentences and lack of colours shows (express): simple life of simple people; Ainsley’s weak.