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Изменение значения слова. Полисемия

Упражнение 2.

Переведите следующие предложения и обратите внимание на многозначность слов.

A. 1) At last they decided to ask the old man to settle their quarrel. Why do you ask such a question? 2) Once as I came back with some pieces of wood and iron, my raft turned over, and I and my boat were thrown into the sea. A girl in the laundry set down a hot iron on my hand this afternoon. 3) Nobody is allowed to cross the line between North and South Korea. I saw many stockings which were drying on the line in the kitchen-garden. I can’t bear fishing. I think people look like fools sitting watching a line hour after hour – or else throwing and throwing, and catching nothing. He comes from a long line of actors. The recruits were standing in line to be examined. Hold the line, please. The main line from London to Leeds has been reconstructed recently. The old man’s face is covered with lines. 4) High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. Her arms and back could stand the work no longer. I’m not going to stand for parliament here, Sir. 5) The rich Miller never gave little Hans anything in return, though he had a hundred sacks of flour stored away in his mill. And when his master, Mr. Hunter, suddenly failed, and all hands in the mill were turned off, he often had to go to bed without any supper but a few dried pears or some hard nuts. 6) "It has certainly been a hard day," said little Hans to himself. The sunlight in this damned town was very strong, very hard on seams. It certainly was a terribly hard frost. Reed-drawing is fearfully hard work. She does not know that the master for whom they work is hard and cruel. 7) A coach drove up to the garden-gate, and he went out to receive the visitor. Tess waited till the group of work-folk had received their wages. 8) I want the money to-day. I stayed in the garden, for I wanted to plant some flowers. 9) He remembered, if he did not get his money, there was no way for him to go back to Oakland. We had no boots, the snow got into our shoes. I wanted to get to the ship where I hoped to find some food. I found three barrels of powder, two of them dry and good. Those two I got to my raft with the arms. I can perhaps get her talk. You will get into parliament because you want to get into it. I tried to get into the little book-closet. 10) I had nothing about me but a knife, a pipe and a little tobacco in a box. I took some boxes full of bottles of wine. His mother came out and struck him violently a couple of boxes on the ear 11) I set to work to make a raft of the boards of the' ship. I got on board by means of a piece of rope which hung over the side. Others were the sons of widows, anxious, as Kipps' mother had been, to get something a little "superior" to a board school education as cheaply as possible. Its "principal" was a tall thin man, whose name, as a board on the front door stated, was George Garden Woodrow. 12) He drew a picture of the town pump with a prominent citizen passing it hastily. "But that's at night," said Mr. Dombey, drawing his own chair closer to his son's. They seized the empty ears of corn, drew out the straw, gathered it under their arms, and cut off the ears. He wrote from morning till night, and late at night, except when he broke off to go to the reading-room, draw books from the library, or to call on Ruth. 13) I drank some water and put a little tobacco in my mouth. At the mouth of the Volga there is a broad delta, cut up by a great number of channels. He tried to go away but at the mouth of the cave he was met by a great lion.

B. 1) Several gentlemen were drinking and smoking in the different boxes. The travellers' room is divided into boxes, for the solitary confinement of travellers. Such was the morning, when an open carriage, in which were three Pickwickians on the box beside the driver, pulled up by a gate at the road-side. The little box in the third tier of the Opera was crowded with heads constantly changing. 2) She was to get work and pay her board. May I present the President of Board of Trade, Mr. B.? He never missed a Board. 3) Lanny stepped into the fresh morning air and took a deep breath. The pipers struck up a favourite air. She quickened her steps and assumed an air of indifference. "It is a pity you take on so, Miss Briggs," the young lady said, with a cool, slightly sarcastic air. 4) The elephant put one foot continuously on the bridge. She stood at the foot of the twisted old bed. She waited at the foot of the stairs. He went into Fatty's at the foot of Dtstrict Six. The troop, who were to the number of forty, all well mounted and armed, came to the foot of the rock. I saw the print of a man's foot on the sand. 5) Castleford has the largest glass works in England. So the stout gentleman put on his spectacles, and Mr. Pickwick pulled out his glass. She sat there a long time before her glass, fingering her rings. Against the pale was a face, the forehead pressed against the glass. Later over a glass of cold tea with lemon and a straw in it, he took the malicious resolution to go and dine at her Hotel. 6) He just came in this morning with fourteen trunks and four servants. A bend in the road could be seen from where they lay between the trunks of the trees. The elephant looked at the child, and picked it up with his trunk.


Упражнение 3.

Переведите следующие предложения, выпишите омонимы с переводом на русский язык.

A. l ) And then came the great idea. He would write. He would be one of the eyes through which the world saw, one of the ears through which it heard, one of the hearts through which it felt. 2) As a matter of fact you are right. 3) They seized the empty ears of corn, drew out the straw, gathered it under their arms and cut off the ears. 4) My (Robinson's) next care was to find some ammunition and arms. 5) In Egypt the sun is warm. His little son, the apple of his eye, fell ill with scarlet fever. 7) He told his mother countless stories every night about his school companions. 8) There are now large apartment houses, several storeys high. 9) They were dressed in velvet, silk and furs. 10) The silvery stream flows under tall birches and firs. 11) She brought me my coffee and a piece of bread. 12) The peace camp, with the support of lovers of peace all over the world, works for world peace and international cooperation. 13) There were two guns in the great cabin and two pistols. 14) She made Rebecca accept a sweet white dress, which was too small for her now.

B. 1) The old dog looked up and wagged his tail. 2) "I don't believe a word of it," he said, "it's some old woman's tale." 3) He went to the dining-room to wait for dinner. 4) He lost seven pounds in weight. 5) Old Jolyon stepped out and, in paying the cab-fare, gave the driver a sovereign in mistake for a shilling. 6) "Vanity Fair" is a novel without a hero. 7) The place-names Chester, Lan-caster, Clou-cester, Man-chester, etc., show that these places occupy the site of a Roman camp. 8) He saw a most wonderful sight. 9) It so happened a week after the birth of his son and heir. 10) He was too weak to move. 11) What I want is sea air. 12) I hope my dress will be ready in time for the ball. 13) Two of three Dingley Dellers, and All-Mug-gletonians, were amusing themselves with a majestic air by throwing the ball carelessly from hand to hand. 14) He gives Bilton the box of matches. 15) Two international football matches played yesterday demonstrated a change in world football ratings. 16) In the reign of the emperor Claudius, that is to say, in tile middle of the first century of our era the Romans invaded and occupied a part of Britain. 17) There is too much rain and too little sunshine allover Ireland for wheat to grow well. 18) I felt some blood on my neck, and a great pain. 19) Against the pane was a face, the forehead pressed against the glass.

Упражнение 4.

В списке, приведенном ниже, найдите омонимы к выделенным в примерах словам и переведите их. Обратите внимание на их написание.

A. deer – олень, to dye - красить, fare – плата за проезд, flower - цветок, gait - походка, hare - заяц, hoarse - хриплый, plane - плоскость, sale - продажа, sow – сеять и sew - шить, steel - сталь, whether - ли.

1) I thought I should die of cold. 2) I'm sorry, dear - I'm truly sorry. I never meant to act so. 3) He ordered his horse and big boots. 4) The weather was fine and the storm was over. 5) She hurried into the house and left me standing at the garden gate. 6) To the west lies the wide plain. 7) He was a fine open-faced boy, with blue eyes and fair hair. 8) He thought it would be no crime to steal. 9) He sold the sack of flour for a very good price. 10) I had neither sail, oar nor rudder.

B. heal - излечивать, knight - рыцарь, lie - лгать, light - легкий, maid - девушка, pupil - зрачок, seam - шов, still - спокойный, strait – узкий.

1) He wrote from morning till night. 2) And, turning on his heel, he went out. 3) Her profile was still so youthful that it made her grey hair seem powdery, as if fancy-dressed. 4) His nose was straight. 5) I remained at school for eight years - six as pupil, and two as teacher. 6) The two younger girls had long light curls. 7) He had to stop in bed ... and he would lie there and sob, because they wouldn't let him do Latin exercises.