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Keep up (электронный вариант).doc
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VIII. Make up the dialogue of your own.

      1. A boy tries to get acquainted with a girl.

      2. Friends discuss appearance of famous people.

      3. Student’s gossips (teachers, group mates, etc).

      4. Famous ancestor.

      5. The most talented person in the family.

      6. Discuss the character of your family members.

Just for fun the crowd

Brown was out walking one day with his wife and his very large family. In the street he was stopped by a police­man who grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Hold on!" protested Brown. "What have I done?" "I certainly don't know what you've done," answered the policeman, "but I do want to know why the crowd is follow­ing you!"

In a train car

Nick with his father went to see Grandmother. In the train Nick every minute put his head out of the window. His father said, "Nick, keep quiet! Don't put your head out of the window!" But Nick went on putting his head out of the window. Here his father took Nick's cap quietly, hid it behind his

back and said, "You see, your cap has flown." Nick was afraid. He began to cry. He wanted to have his cap back.

His father said, "Well, whistle once! Perhaps, your cap will come back." Nick came up to the window and whistled. Nick's father put quickly the cap on Nick's head.

Oh! It was wonderful! Nick laugh­ed. He was pleased. He took quick­ly his father's cap and threw it out of the window. "Now it's your turn to whistle, Dad!" he said gaily.

quiet – спокойный

Keep quiet! –Успокойся!

to fly (flew, flown) — летать, здесь улетать

to whistle – свистеть, давать свисток


I. Memorize the following words:

detached house – отдельный дом

block of flats – многоквартирный дом

to furnish - меблировать

to decorate – оформлять, украшать

hall – прихожая

dining-room – столовая

living-room (=lounge) – гостиная

closet –стенной шкаф, чулан

storeroom – кладовая

to walk (= to move) around the house - бродить по дому

to renovate – подновлять, ремонтировать, рeконструировать

cast a glance at – бросить взгляд на что-либо, поверхностно изучить

coat-rack - вешалка

shoe-rack – стойка для обуви

furniture – мебель

utensil – посуда, утварь

refrigerator (fridge) with a freezer –холодильник с морозильной камерой

dish-drainer – сушилка для посуды

cooker with an oven – плита с духовкой

cooker hood - вытяжка

wall units – стенка

china – фарфор

crystal – хрусталь

fireplace – камин

cosy – уютный

single bed – односпальная кровать

double bed – двуспальная кровать

wardrobe – шкаф

bedside table – тумбочка

dressing-table – туалетный столик.

sink – раковина (на кухне)

hot and cold taps – кран с горячей и холодной водой

bathroom – ванная комната

tiled – покрытый кафельной плиткой

parquet – паркет

patterned curtains – занавески с рисунком

plain – однотонный (о ткани)

to show the dirt – пачкаться

to block out the light – загораживать свет

to be crammed up with furniture (things) – быть забитым мебелью (вещами)

central heating –центральное отопление

running water – водопровод

refuse-chute – мусоропровод

neighbour – сосед

cupboard with tea and dinner sets – шкаф (сервант) с чайным и обеденным сервизами

cutlery – приборы

crockery – фарфоровая и фаянсовая посуда

to know where things go – знать, где что лежит

Can you add more extra words concerning the topic?


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