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Keep up (электронный вариант).doc
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III. Translate the following word combinations into Russian:

vast lowlands; a sovereign state; everlasting snows; natural reservations; to border on; legislative functions; throughout the country; a relatively developed economic structure; a major producer; natural resources; to be famous for; hard coal deposits; an oil-extracting country; three quarters.

    1. Translate the words in the brackets into English:

1. The Parliament consists of (две палаты): the Senate and the Mazhilis.

2. There are a lot of (крупные реки) in the Republic.

3. Steppes, deserts and semi-deserts (преобладать) on the largest part of the territory.

4. There are 155 species of (млекопитающие).

5. The economy (ориентирована) to the creation of free market.

6. (Кроме того) Kazakhstan is a major producer and exporter of agricultural products.

V. Find the Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations in the right-hand column:

  1. economic stability

  2. well-developed

  3. to stretch

  4. total area

  5. throughout the country

  6. legislative functions

  7. numerous nations

  8. glacier

  9. to influence greatly

  10. to be experiencing

a) ледник

b) значительно влиять

c) многочисленные нации

d) по всей стране

e) испытывать

f) экономическая стабильность

g) хорошо развитый

h) законодательные функции

i) общая площадь

j) простираться

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?

2. What state is it?

3. What is the official language?

4. When was the Constitution of the Republic adopted?

5. What is the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the Constitution?

6. What does it proclaim?

7. What is the highest representative body?

8. What is the population of the Republic?

9. What is the territory of the country?

10. What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

11. What is the landscape of the Republic?

12. What are the main rivers?

13. What are the largest lakes?

14. What are the natural reservations?

15. What is the climate of the Republic?

16. What is the economic structure based on?

17. What are the main branches of industry?

18. What agricultural products does Kazakhstan produce and export?

19. What is the role of the private sector in the country’s economy?

20. Be ready to speak of the geographical, political and economic positions of Kazakhstan.

Astana – the capital of kazakhstan

I. Read the following words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation:

1) millennium

2) BC = before Christ

3) the Grand Silk Route

4) numerous

5) prosperous

6) to mark the beginning

7) development of virgin and disused lands

8) to turn out to be

9) to grow into

10) meat-and-milk cattle breeding

11) poultry farming

12) volunteer

13) transfer

14) to promote

15) expediency

16) dome

17) victim

18) to devote


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