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Keep up (электронный вариант).doc
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III. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is your hometown?

  2. Where is Karaganda situated?

  3. What is the population of Karaganda?

  4. What goods are produced in Karaganda ?

  5. What is the best season in Karaganda?

  6. What do you like best about Karaganda?

  7. What part of the city do you like best of all?

  8. What is the worst thing about Karaganda?

  9. What is the geography of the city? (beach, mountains, etc.)

  10. What is the average temperature in winter (summer)?

  11. Is the city growing? Is this the good or bad thing?

  12. How many years have you lived in Karaganda?

  13. Where did your maternal and paternal great-great parents live or come from?

  14. Er, I say,

    What are some of the advantages (disadvantages) of living in the city?

  15. Do you know the neighbors who live near you?

  16. What are some differences between living in the city and living in the country?

  17. What changes would you like to make in Karaganda?

  18. What would be important to consider when designing a city?

  19. Is your city well-planned? Describe a perfect city.

IV. Translate the expressions into English and memorize them:

угольное месторождение; краеведческий музей; глобальное потепление; 40 градусов ниже (выше) нуля; степь покрыта кустарником; пасти отару; развести костёр; привести к краху компании; медеплавильный завод; быть на большом расстоянии от; продать с прибылью; нехватка необходимых средств; шахтёрский посёлок; превратиться в; снабжать чем-либо; металлургический комбинат; развиваться быстрыми темпами; играть важную роль; прибывать в; прямые и широкие улицы; произвести впечатление на; созданный кем-либо; достопримечательность; привлечь внимание; космическая гавань; в память о; отличительная черта.

V. Insert the correct prepositions where necessary:

1. Industry has developed here … the basis … the Karaganda coal deposits.2. When you arrive … Moscow you will be surprised … Red Square. 3. We are greatly enjoyed a ride ... the city ... a taxi. 4. The buildings built.... the suburbs are as modern and beautiful as those ... the centre ... the town. 5. Most ... the places ... interest are as a rule situated … the centre … the city. 6. Tourists always admire the Moscow metro, the beauty ... its architecture different ... each station. 7. There were crowds ... people... the streets … the first ... Janu­ary. 8. ... which direction did he go? — He was walking ... the direction … Red Square. I planned to leave ... Almaty ... the 5th July. 10. These splendid multi-storeyed houses are inhabited ... workers ... different mines. 11. ... their great surprise the picture did not impress me ... all. 12. The dean’s speech made a great impression ... the students. 13. They were sitting side ... side.14. We were all greatly impressed ... his knowledge … so many foreign languages.

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