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Keep up (электронный вариант).doc
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VI. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. В общем, территория Объединенного Королевства занимает около 244 000 кв. километров.

  2. Объединенное Королевство занимает большую часть Британских островов.

  3. В Великобритании много рек, но они не очень длинные.

  4. Климат в Великобритании мягкий и влажный.

  5. Население Объединенного Королевства составляет около 57 миллионов человек, большинство из которых живут в больших и маленьких городах и их пригородах.

  6. Британцы являются потомками разных народов, которые жили на Британских Островах в различные времена.

  7. Великобритания это высокоразвитая промышленная страна.

  8. Судостроение это одна из основных отраслей промышленности страны.

  9. Фермерство это наиболее важная отрасль промышленности.

  10. Следовательно, Великобритания должна импортировать пшеницу, мясо, масло, зерно, цитрусовые, чай и др.

VII. Find out the sentences which correspond to the text. Correct the wrong sentences in accordance with the text:

  1. The population of the United Kingdom is over 37 million people who mostly live in towns and cities and other suburbs.

  2. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a democratic republic.

  3. The UK occupies most of the territory of the Kurils the largest of which are Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  4. The British Isles are washed by the North Sea, Black Sea and the Pacific ocean.

  5. The United Kingdom consists of 6 parts.

  6. The longest rivers are the Thames and the Yenisey, which are each over 200 miles long.

  7. Now lakes and rivers occupy only 6% of the territory of G.B.

  8. The UK is a lowly industrialized country with undeveloped agricultural production.

  9. There are very big farms, but most farms are small family farms with a mixture of cattle, sheep and cereal crops.

  10. The tenant farmer is the farmer who has his own farm.

VIII. Dialogue Read, dramatize and learn the dialogue.

W. Today perhaps you would kindly tell us something about North England and England's most important industrial areas.

M. Well, the centers of English Industry lie in the Midlands around Birmingham and Sheffield, Manchester and Newcastle.

S. The area round Birmingham is called the Black Country, isn't it?

W. Yes, it is. The very name tells you what it means: smoke, dust and soot.

S. What is produced in Birmingham?

M. Birmingham is the centre of the metal industry.

W. All sorts of tools, screws, bicycles, motorcycles and radio sets are manufactured there.

M. Sheffield is famous for its cutlery — knives, scissors and shears are made there.

IX. 1. Suppose you had a chance to see the uk from the bird sight. What did you see?

2. Look at the map of Great Britain and speak about the most important industrial centers. Facts only

City and Town

The English have always been very particular about the words “city” and “town”. A city is a town which has a city-charter (special right in self-government) given to it be the King, or is the seat of a bishop and has a cathedral. Thus, comparatively small places like Wells in Somerset and Chichester in Sussex are cities; and big industrial centres like Oldham in Yorkshire and Wolverhampton in Staffordshire are towns. In the USA all large towns are called cities.

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