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Keep up (электронный вариант).doc
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IV. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs where necessary.

1. He pressed the button ___ the elevator. 2. Something is wrong ___ the kitchen sink tap. Ring ___ the plumber. 3. She glanced ___ the mirror and turned ___ satisfied. 4. Their flat backed ___ the park. 5. The flat was situated ___ a block ___ Chelsea overlooking ___ the river. 6. The house was furnished expensively ___ the modern style. 7. John, you are wanted ___ phone. 8. You didn’t do a thing ___ the house all day long! 9. They answered ___ the bell at once let me ___. 10. He accompanied them ___ the hall door and took a polite leave ___ them. 11. We have a nice department ___ the centre ___ Karaganda. It is ___the tenth floor___ a new building. It is a three-room flat ___ a kitchen. ___ in the kitchen there is a refrigerator to keep food cool and a kitchen cupboard ___ plates and dishes. 12. Walls ___ the library were lined ___ bookcases, the armchairs were upholstered ___ leather. 13. The door burst open and we saw a stranger ___ the doorway. 14. Peter has a nice cottage ___ the country but ___ any conveniences. 15. The windows ___ the bedroom looked ___ ___ a little garden ___the back ___ the house. 16. Tell the kids not to forget to wipe their feet ___ the door-mat. 17. I must have a bulb screwed ___ instead ___ the one that fused. 18. ___ my opinion this flat is too small ___ my family though I am fond ___ it.

V. Translate into English

1.Окна нашей квартиры выходят на юг, так что у нас солнце почти каждый день. 2. Вам уже поставили телефон? – Да, он в кабинете, на письменном столе. Это очень удобно, теперь я могу, работая и не выходя из кабинета, отвечать на телефонный звонок. 3. Мой приятель получил на прошлой неделе новую квартиру. Вчера мы пошли её посмотреть. Очень удобная квартира. 4. Могу я видеть господина Смита? – Да, конечно. Он сидит в соседней комнате, направо от двери. 5. Где мои ключи? – Они лежат на комоде в детской комнате. 6. Мы делаем ремонт и собираемся отделать кафельной плиткой стены и пол в туалете и ванной, и положить паркет во всех комнатах. 7. Ты представляешь, у него в доме до сих пор нет центрального отопления и водопровода! 8. Вчера я ходила по магазинам, искала подарок и наткнулась на такую замечательную фаянсовую посуду и чешский хрусталь со скидкой 50%.

VI. Put the proper expressions into the sentences:

to your own taste; to cast a glance at; where things go; stuffed with;. to be satisfied with; to show the dirt; to block out the light: the sigh of relief .

1. In the hall you cast a glance at the coatrack and a shoerack. 2. It is better to put darker plain ones, so that they might not _____. 3 You know pretty well _____. 4. When she heard his words she gave the sigh of relief. 5. Home is the place where you furnish and decorate it _____. 6. Move the dressing-table to the right because it _____. 7. The wall units _____ with china, crystal and books. 8. Are you quite _____ what you have done?

VII. Fill in the blanks with house, home, or block.

NOTE: The basic meaning of the word house is a building intended for one household to live in. It may also mean "the home, or household" (as, to keep house). Home is an emotional word. It suggests family life, family joys. Another meaning of the word home is birthplace. If we speak of a block of flats, the word house or house number cannot be used in connection with them. The phrase block of flats implies many households. The words house and flat are often used in contrast to each other. (e. g. Do you live in a house or a flat?)

1. He was born in Moscow but now he looks upon Lenin­grad as his ... . 2. The new stark ... looked like a heap of stone in the middle of nowhere. 3. That modest... turned out to be the ... of the old teacher. 4. Who keeps ... in your family? 5. They had had so little time together since their marriage that they were both longing to settle down in a ... . 6. The ... was in very good repair. 7. When he retires, he expects to make his ... in the country. 8. She usually starts from her ... at 8 sharp. 9. According to statistics, the number of broken ... has become greater than 30—40 years ago. 10. The plan shows the layout of the ... . 11. The pleasures of ... will never be forgotten. 12. He looked up at the facade of a very imposing old ... . 13. There are 275 flats in our... . 14. There is a shop in our ... . 15. There is nothing worse than coming ... to an untidy ... .

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