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    1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

плавити, вимикати, лиття у піщані форми, пил, тверді відходи, стальний шрот, покриття, cтворення ливарної форми, ливарна форма з вологого піску, глина, вуглецевий матеріал, запобігати ржавінню, повторне використання піску, серцевина, витримувати розплавлений метал, використання, велика кількість, керамічна речовина.

    1. Make up word combinations from the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian.

  1. to remove

  1. moulds

  1. dust

  1. piece

  1. steel

  1. cleaners

  1. sand

  1. the mould

  1. investment

  1. flash

  1. solid

  1. control equipment

  1. metal

  1. shot

  1. mechanical

  1. plants

  1. metal

  1. waste

  1. finishing

  1. casting

    1. Make up sentences from the following words. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. Mixture, is, a carbonaceous, material, green, clay, sand, and, water, of, sand.

  2. The green, mixture, sand, a pattern, the metal piece, is packed around, of, to harden, and, allowed.

  3. Once, sand, only, molds, are, used.

  4. Mixtures, sand, also, are, to create, often, cores, used.

  1. Insert necessary modal verbs into the following sentences:

    1. After metal has been melted, it _____ be poured into a mould.

    2. During the process dust and smoke _____ be collected by dust control equipment.

    3. Cores _____ be strong and hard to withstand the molten metal.

    4. We _____ use this type of equipment in foundry production. It’s forbidden by law.

  1. Molten metal _____ to be re-cooled.

  2. Permanent metal moulds _____ be used in foundries that produce large quantities of the same piece.

  3. Most of the sand from green sand molds _____ be reused to make future molds.

  4. To obtain desired properties, resins or chemical binders _____ be added to sand mixtures.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in appropriate tense form.

  1. After metal (to melt), it (to pour) into a mould.

  2. Sand casting (to enter) a process called shakeout.

  3. During the process dust and smoke (to collect) by dust control equipment.

  4. Investment molds and shell moulds (to destroy) during removal.

  5. A surface coating (to apply) to the metal piece at the foundry.

  1. Transform the following sentences a) into Second Conditional, b) into Third Conditional. The first one has been done for you.

  1. If the first step in metal casting involves the creation of a mold, the molten metal will be poured and cooled.

    1. If the first step in metal casting involved the creation of a mold, the molten metal would be poured and cooled.

    2. If the first step in metal casting had involved the creation of a mold, the molten metal would have been poured and cooled.

  1. If sand is the most common molding material, it will be used in foundry processes.

  2. If green sand molds are used in 85% of foundries, these molds will be the most important for us.

  3. If the sand provides the structure for the mold, it will be used in foundry processes.

  4. The carbonaceous materials will be used in foundry processes, if they prevent rust.

  5. If the water is used to activate the clay it will be useful for this research.

  6. If sand molds are used only once, they won’t be rather useful.

  7. If most of the sand from green sand molds is reused, future molds will be made from this sand.

  8. If cores are strong and hard to withstand the molten metal, they will be removed after the metal piece cooled.

  9. If shell molds use chemically bonded sand, they will be used in our industry.

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