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Project on a Problem Situation

(Composition and Presentation Guidelines)

1. The formulated statement for a problem situation.

(e.g. Cohabitation Is a Good Way to Test Out a Relationship)

2. Introduction into the problem: Pose the problem, prove its importance and debatable character, give the necessary definitions.

3. Provide a list of arguments with supportive evidence to prove them and a list of counterarguments aimed at refuting the arguments if favour of the formulated statement, provide substantial evidence to prove them as well.

a) the arguments in favour may be either immediately refuted by counterarguments (horizontal arrangement):

pros: cons:

1. 1.

2. 2.

or presented vertically: first all the arguments in favour attended by their supporting evidence are given. Then they are followed by a list of counterarguments, substantiated by supporting evidence:







4. Conclusion (comparative analysis of the presented arguments):

Note 1: The project should be presented in an objective way and have a sociological focus. It may be supplied with relevant statistical data and allows the use of some quotations from the Bible or other sources. The project proper should not contain any personal information or commentary.

Note 2: For class presentation, see the detailed requirements in Monologue Discourse Modelling (Unit 1, Integrated Discourse Development Skills), p.42.

5. Appendix: a well-grounded personal view of the problem.

Problem Situation Sample Project



The issue of parental authority and its relative weight in the process of child upbringing in a household has been a topic for heated debate for pedagogues, childcare specialists, psychologists, society researchers and, most vitally, parents. Logically, in male- and female-dominated homes kids correspondingly receive an unequal degree of parental influence. However mutually complementary the current distribution of gender roles is, mothers’ contribution is children’s life is obviously more beneficial as their methods of child rearing are more effective and psychologically justified.

Key words:familial weight, female-dominated households, female responsiveness, gender roles, lenience, motherliness, paternal authority, permissiveness.


  1. Female-dominated households are better organized.

About 10% of families are wholly dominated by women. Logically, children tend to turn to a parent, who in their understanding possesses more authority and familial weight. Family relations are a powerful model, especially in early childhood.

  1. Mothers are more emotive and responsive to child problems

and needs.

Mother is a permanent bosom friend and crying shoulder. Someone’s

personal response and involvement alone are often enough to cope with

half of the problem.

  1. Females consider situations from all angles.

Mothers, like all women, are easily impressed and more emotional, but they normally view a problem as a whole, relying on the extensive female experience and, consequently, produce effective suggestions.

  1. Mothers know their kids inside out.

Mothers have had their children at their fingertips since they were born, thus, they assume the right to prior authority and complete involvement in their children’s affairs and confidences.

  1. Mothers are more protective of their children.

Maternal instincts won’t let a mother do or think bad for her child. Due to

mothers’ sacrificial disposition, children are more likely to turn to them for

support and – find it there.

  1. Mothers are better psychologists.

It’s easier for a child to find a common language with Mother. About 75% of children are more likely to confide in mothers. Among other things, women are forgiving towards their children. No thing is fatal with Mom.


  1. Women-dominated households and female breadwinners are a social distortion.

Mother-leaders are, as a rule, more leaders, than mothers. Children of both sexes are likely to get the wrong idea of gender roles distribution.

  1. Female responsiveness lacks structure and sense.

Paternal attitude can be more reserved, but however positive, emotions can disorganize and confuse one. They are more abstract and constitute no substitute for logical solutions for a person in trouble or in need of advice.

  1. Father’s approach is more logical.

Men’s approach to problem-fighting is sober and less chaotic, as proved by sociologists. Fathers are more of use in practical things and on-spot prompting. Paternal authority is an effective factor in child rearing.

  1. Being one’s mother doesn’t mean a true view of a child.

Exhaustive knowledge of one’s children doesn’t necessarily presuppose mutual understanding and trust. At the same time, mothers-know-all may possess absolutely no authority over their child or have a wrong idea of his/her personality.

  1. Overprotective mothers are dangerous.

Motherliness is often blind and unfair. A child is taught to perceive things in the wrong light. He/she might grow up infantile and adopt inadequate reactions. A vivid example is a notorious female assumption that “no woman is good enough for her son” or “no man ever will be worth a thousandth of her daughter’s virtues”. Moreover, fathers are by no means less protective, it is just that they are more concerned with the material welfare.

  1. Fathers are better therapists.

No-sissies-at-home” slogan is a better training than lenience and

permissiveness. Real life is not all about psychology, it’s about

action and independent decision-making. Fathers teach how to fight.


In determining what is good for a child the participation of both parents should be taken into consideration. The involvement of mother and father should be equal, although they contribute differently in child upbringing. While mothers are more responsible for the emotional development of a child's personality, men are commonly associated with more tangible things. As a rule, however, mothers manage to preserve closer bonds with their offspring.

Personal view

Putting aside various deviations of a family model, I've come to a conclusion that mothers are generally closer to their children than fathers. It originates from a natural wish to stay with someone who gave you life, who provided care and protection from the first moments of your life. Mothers may not be that helpful in action, but their presence is essential for the statics of a human self, that is psychology, one’s identity. Furthermore, mothers are continuously related to as home-keepers, home-savers, which is a very powerful and important symbol for a child. Men make houses, women make homes, they say.

To sum it up, researchers have found out that the whole societal model is female-oriented, be it either direct or indirect domination. In other words, women are connected with more universal, basic and life-related issues and functions, while men are mostly responsible for smooth mechanics and ongoing processes.

c) Expand your basic plan and write down the final version of your project in rigid conformity with the above-mentioned guidelines. Rehearse your presentation.

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