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V. Назовите термины, соответствующие определениям:

1. A line drawn on the map joining up all points of equal heights above sea level. 2. Graphic representation to scale of a portion of the earth's surface. 3. Ground which by reason of undulations, or hills, is riot visible to the observer. 4. Relation between the distance on the map and the actual distance on the ground. 5. Symbols used to portray on the map features and objects which occur on the ground.

VI. Найдите на схеме местные предметы, соответствующие следующим терминам.Термины запомните:

  1. hidden area — поле невидимости; 2. draw —лощина; 3. clear­ing-вырубка; 4. right bank —правый берег (реки); 5. left bank—левый берег (реки); 6. flow — направление течения; 7. crossroad — перекресток дорог; 8. bluff — обрыв, отвесный берег, утес; 9. road fork — развилка дорог; 10. forward slope — передний скат; 11. reverse slope — обратный скат; 12. culvert — водопропускная труба; 13. fill —насыпь; 14. topographical crest — топографический гребень; 15. ravine — овраг; 16. val­ley— долина; 17. peak — пик, вершина; 18. ridge — хребет, во­дораздел; 19. saddle — седловина.

VII. Переведите письменно. Значение неизвестных вам терминов выясните по словарю:


The word relief is used to describe the rise and fall of ground forms with the help of contours, hachures or layer tints. Contour lines are thin lines drawn on the map, each line joining up points of equal height above sea level. The rise between successive contour lines is known as the vertical interval. The distance measured flat on the map between adjacent contour lines is known as the horizontal equivalent. The size of this depends upon whether the contour lines are close together or wide apart, that is whether the slope is steep or gradual, convex or concave. The forms of contours show a ridge and a crest (both mil and topo crests), a peak and a spur, a saddle and a draw, as well as other topo features such as a pass, a ravine, a hollow, a bluff or a mesa. Hachures are short, black tadpole-shaped strokes, the thicker end of the stroke being in the direction of the higher ground. They are drawn heavier in the direction of the higher ground.

Layer tints are the method by which heights are shown in different coloured tints. Land up to 200 feet is generally coloured green or white, as it rises it becomes light brown, and the higher the land the deeper becomes the shade of brown.

VIII. На приведенном участке карты покажите и назовите по-английски:

а) все виды автомобильных и железных дорог; железно­дорожную станцию; виадук; выемку на дороге;

б) населенный пункт; школу; бензоколонку; церковь; клад-

Задание на самоподготовку:

-урок 5 стр.34-41;

-упражнения IX стр. 40

-выучить термины и словосочетания к теме.


Учебник военного перевода, специальный курс, Л.Л. Нелюбин;

Англо-русский, русско-английский военный словарь;

Слайды темы №34

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