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6. Translate into English.

1. Кларк пригласил на интервью несколько кандидатов, но ни один из них не был достаточно компетентным. 2. Когда специалиста нанимают на работу, учитываются его профессиональная квалификация и личные характеристики. 3. Обычно вся информация об образовании и опыте работы даётся в резюме. 4. Личные характеристики подавшего заявление можно оценить только во время интервью. 5. В большой компании (фирме) нового сотрудника часто можно найти внутри этой же компании. 6. Обычно проблему может помочь решить отдел кадров.

7. Written Practice.

Your company needs a programmer (an accountant, an electric engineer, a sales manager, etc.). Advertise in a newspaper about one of these positions:

  1. specify what specialist the company is looking for;

  2. mention the qualifications needed;

  3. briefly outline the opportunities the company offers to those who will be employed.

8. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. Paul has some experience as an accountant, but this is his first regular job.

  2. Have you applied for that job?

  3. There’s a rapid increase in unemployment.

  4. I’m looking for a vacant office job.

  5. The trade union demanded higher wages or earlier retirement.

  6. We are in want for a good secretary.

  7. Four colleagues of mine have been fired, and I’m expecting my discharge at any moment.

  8. The motivation has many forms: achievement, job interest, responsibility, advancement, money, status, condition, good working relationships.

  9. Managers are involved in hiring, firing and training staff, motivating employees, etc.

  10. Smaller jobs are easier to understand, pay for and control.

  11. Employees very quickly get used to their benefits and soon take them for granted.

9. Read the dialogue taking parts. Act it out with your group mate. Preparing for a Job Interview

Peter:When thinking of an upcoming interview, I am really scared. What about usual questions people are asked in an interview?

Jack:The most common questions are, for instance: Why are you interested in joining our company? – Why do you feel qualified for this job? – What do you know about the company? – Do you enjoy working with others? – Are you willing to work overtime? – Tell me about your experience. – What can I do for you?

Peter:Are there any surprise questions?

Jack:You should anticipate such questions as: Why should I hire you? – What are your three greatest strengths for this job?

Peter:I see. These are rather tricky questions. Are there any topics I should avoid discussing with the interviewer?

Jack:In discussing your previous jobs avoid criticizing former employers or fellow workers. Don’t discuss your personal, domestic or financial problems unless you are specifically asked about them.

Peter:If I am offered a job, is it appropriate to ask questions referring to the salary?

Jack:Absolutely. You can state the salary you want, but not until the employer has introduced the subject.

Peter:I greatly appreciate your giving me this valuable information.

Do you know these words?




собеседование при трудоустройстве

to be scared


to work overtime

работать сверхурочно

to anticipate






fellow workers


