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Active Reading (Нечаева Т.А.).doc
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Unit 3 ecology

1. Imagine you are taking part in the symposium on environmental problems and making a speech.

You are : a) a member of the Committee making an opening (closing) speech; b) an environmental engineer doing antinoise pollution research; c) a water specialist, d) a student specialising in ecology.

What problems will you point out in your speech?

2. Imagine you are: a) a factory manager, b) a journalist, c) an ordinary citizen. What will you do about the protection of the environment?

3. Your friend is against pollution. He has started depolluting the atmosphere in a rather unusual way. He switches off the sound when he watches TV, he always keeps his radio and record player turned down. He has stopped smoking (/“It harms you and those around you”). He has stopped travelling by car – the major air pollutant. He walks or rides a bicycle )”Better for others; better for you too”). You think that your friend is a bit crazy about antipollution measures.

4. You don’t worry about pollution. It doesn’t affect you directly. You think someone somewhere is doing something about it. In fact you are fed up with all the talk about environmental problems. Agree or disagree with it.

5. Which environmental issue is of greatest concern to you? Give 5 reasons.

6.Have you ever heard about Endangered Species Act? Where do you stand in debate between saving species from extinction and man to develop?

7. It is said that species will only be saved if public behavior is changed. Do you agree? If not, why? If so, describe what changes would be necessary.

8. In your opinion, what are the politics involved in saving endangered species involved in saving endangered species? How might industrial and developing countries see the problem differently?

6. Discuss the problem of pollution using the following figure

Unit 4 the purpose of science

1.You are going to discuss the following question: Which of the technological inventions has had the greatest effect on people’s lives – the telephone, the computer or the television? Split up into small groups arguing for each invention. Try to convince the others of your point of view.

2. A lot of new inventions appear every day to make our lives easier, longer , warmer, speeder. But only a few inventors design a new machine or product that becomes so well-known that it is named after its creator. Give the names of the inventors who gave their names to the inventions.

3. Imagine that you are allowed to have only 3 electrical things. What would you choose and why?

4. Set up small groups and discuss the following:

  • the most significant achievements in science;

  • the rate at which science is developing;

  • space labs;

  • the role of robots in our life;

  • the three main “killers” of our century.

5. Imagine you are an expert in the electronic industry. You are giving a talk on TV. Here are some questions for you to answer:

  • How does the development of electronics influence scientific and technological progress in our country?

  • What new electronic devices does our country produce?

6. Practise with someone asking and answering: How can you explain the tendency to miniaturize electronic devices? Why is weight important for airborne electronics, space satellites and spaceships?

7. Imagine you are in the following situation.. Discuss things, make your own suggestions. You are the chief of the lab. You have been told to modernize your lab. You need the help of your staff. You have a short talk with each member of the lab in turn. Sometimes you agree, sometimes you disagree, but all these talks are very helpful.

. UNIT 5